프레임간 상관관계를 고려한 장면기반 MPEG 비디오 트래픽 모델링

Scen based MPEG video traffic modeling considering the correlations between frames

  • 유상조 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 김성대 (한국과학기술원 전기 및 전자공학과) ;
  • 최재각 (경일대학교)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


For the performance analysis and traffic control of ATM networks carrying video sequences, need an appropriate video traffic model. In this paper, we propose a new traffic model for MPEG compressed videos which are widely used for any type of video applications at th emoment. The proposed modeling scheme uses scene-based traffic characteristics and considers the correlation between frames of consecutiv GOPs. Using a simple scene detection algorithm, scene changes are modeled by state transitions and the number of GOPs of a scene state is modeled by a geometric distirbution. Frames of a scene stte are modeled by mean I, P, and B frame size. For more accurate traffic modeling, quantization errors (residual bits) that the state transition model using mean values has are compensated by autoregressive processes. We show that our model very well captures the traffic chracteristics of the original videos by performance analysis in terms of autocorrelation, histogram of frame bits genrated by the model, and cell loss rate in the ATM multiplexer with limited buffers. Our model is able to perrorm translations between levels (i.e., GOP, frame, and cell levels) and to estimate very accurately the stochastic characteristics of the original videos by each level.



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  2. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in communications v.7 no.5 Models for packet switching of variable-0bit-rate video sources P. Sen;b. Maglaris;N. Rikli;D. Anastassiou
  3. IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems for Video Technology v.2 no.1 Statistical analysis and simulation study of video teleconference traffic in ATM networks D. P. Heyman;A. Tabatabai;T. V. Lakshman
  4. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking v.2 no.2 Methods for performance evaluation of VBR video traffic models D. M. Lucantoni;M. F. Neuts;A. R. Reibman
  5. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.7 no.5 Basic characteristics of variable rate video coding in ATM environment M. Nomura;T. Fujii;N. Ohta
  6. Signal Processing : Image communications v.3 Modeling activity in VBR video sources A. L. Corte;A. Lombardo;S. Palazzo;S. Zinna
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  10. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking v.1 no.4 A histogram-based model for video traffic behaviour in an ATM multiplexer P. Skelly;M. Schwartz;S. Dixit
  11. IEEE ICC'95 A traffic model for MPEG-coded VBR streams M. Krunz;H. Hughes
  12. ACM SIGCOMM '95 Modeling and simulation of self-similar variable bit rate compressed video: A unified approach C. Huang;M. Devetsikiotis;I. Lambadaris;A. Kaye
  13. Performance Evaluation v.30 Simple and efficient models for variable bit rate MPEG video traffic O. Rose
  14. ACM SIGMETRICS '97, University of Maryland CS-TR-3573 Scene-based characterization of VBR MPEG-compressed video traffic M. Krunz;S. Tripathji