광대역 ISDN상의 다지점 멀티미디어 통신서비스 II부 : Non-Transcoder근간의 MPEG 비디오브리지

Multipoint multimedia communication service in broadband ISDN part II : NOEG video bridge based on non-transcoding mechanism

  • 박정호 (데이텍주식회사 부설연구소) ;
  • 황대환 (한국전자통신연구원) ;
  • 이종형 (한국전자통신연구원 통신망구조연구실) ;
  • 구한준 (LG정밀기술전략팀) ;
  • 조규섭 (성균관대학교 전기,전자 및 컴퓨터공학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


화소영역에서의 처리방법이 주를 이루고 있는 Multipoint Control Unit(MCU)의 화면분할(Split-Screen) 처리기능은 동영상신호의 실시간 처리에 많은 문제를 갖고 있다. 이를 해결하기 위한 방법이 일부 연구되고 있으나, 이 방법도 실제 적용하기에는 무리가 따르는 복잡한 구조를 갖거나 적용대상이 H.26I으로 한정되어 있다. 본 논문은 ISO/lEC 의 동영상 부호화 표준인 MPEG-1/2를 대상으로 하는 새로운 화면분할 방법을 제안한다. 새롭게 제안한 MPEG화면분할 방법은 완전 압축영역에서 처리를 수행하며 이에 따르는 처리지연이 거의 수반되지 않으므로 실시간 다지점 멀티미디어통신 등에 응용이 가능한 효율적인 방법이다. 또한 이 방법은 MPEG 비트 스트림의 단순 해석 및 조작으로 구현이 가능하며, 압축영역의 분할방법을 사용함으로 화질의 열화를 수반하지 않는다. 제안한 방법에 대한 소프트웨어 시뮬레이션을 통하여 기능의 검증을 완료하였으며, 기존의 방법과 구성의 용이성, 처리에 따르는 지연 그리고 분할처리된 화면의 화질 비교를 통해 제안힌 방법의 효용성을 입증하였다.

The split-screen function on the multipoint control unit(MCU) which is usually using processing method based on pixel domain has many problems for manipulating the video signal in real-time. Although the researches and the developements to cope ith such problems are processing, these have too complex architecture to implement and are limited to method for H.261 video signal. In this paper, we propose a new mechanism for split-screen that can actually apply to ISO/IEC MPEG video standard. The new method that is proposed in this paper do the processes in complete compression domain, thus it is suitable for the application of real-time multipoint multimedia communication service. By simple interpreting and manipulating the MPEG video element stream, the split-screen functional module can be implemented easily and the result of the procedures does not accompany image degradation at all. Finally, the complexity of implementation, the aspect for processing delay and the loss of image quality as compared to that resulting in the case of applying the previous split-screen method has been investigated. And it is confirmed that the proposed mechanism has a significant advantage as a split-screen method.



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  3. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication v.13 no.1 Manipulation and Compositing of MC-DCT Compressed Video Shin-Fu Chang;David G. Messerschmit
  4. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology v.4 no.4 Video Bridging Based on H.261 Standard Shaw-Min Lei;Ting-Chang Chen;Ming-Ting Sun
  5. Local Computer Networks '94 Proceeding On Multipoint Control Units for Videoconferencing Willebeek-Lemair;D. D. Kanlur;Z. Y. Shae
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  7. ICC' 95 Montage : Continuous Presence Teleconferencing Utilizing Compressed Domain video Bridging Robert D. Gaglianello;Glenn L. Cash
  8. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ITU-T Standardization of Audiovisual Communication Systems in ATM and LAN Environments Okubo
  9. ITU-T Rec H.231 Multipoint Control Units for Audiovisual Systems using Digital Channels up to 2Mbits/s
  10. ITU-T Rec H.243 Procedures for establishing communication between three or more audiovisual terminals using digital channels up to 2Mbit/s
  11. IEEE Transactions on Communication v.39 no.11 A Multimedia Interactive Conferencing Application for Personal Workstations John Robinson
  12. ICC' 90 Desktop Video Conferencing - An Important Feature of Future Visual Communications Christoph Weiss
  13. ICC' 91 Distributed Desktop Conferencing System (MERMAID) Based on Group Communication Architecture Kazutoshi MAENO
  14. INFOCOM' 91 Personal Multimedia Multipoint Teleconference System Hiroya TANIGAWA
  15. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.9 no.4 Distributed Desktop Conferencing System with Multiuser Multimedia Interface Kazuo Watabe
  16. GLOBECOM' 92 A Multimedia Desktop Collaboration System Mon Song Chen
  17. IEEE ICASSP' 93 A New Approach to Decoding and Compositing Motion-Compensated DCT-Based Images Shin-Fu Chang;David G. Messerschmit
  18. ISO/IEC 11172-2 Information Technology - Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to about 1.5Mbit/s-Part2: Video
  19. ITU-T Rec. H.262lISO/IEC 13818-2 Information Technology - Generic Coding of Moving pictures and Associated Audio Information - Video