- IEEE Trans. Vehic. Technol. v.40 no.2 Overview of celluar CDMA W.C.Y. Lee
- IEEE Commun. Mag. v.25 no.6 Spread spectrum indoor digital radio M. Kavehrad;P. J. McLane
- IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.SAC-5 no.3 256 QAM modem for multicarrier 400 Mbit/s digital radio Y. Nakamura;Y. Saito;S. Aikawa
- Proc. 4th Int. Symp. PIMRC On the performance of convolutionally coded CDMA/DFDM for mobile communication system K. Fazel;L. Papke
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.44 no.3 Performance of orthogonal multicarrier CDMA in a multipath fading channel E, Sourour;M. Nakagawa
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.COM-38 Direct-sequence spread spectrum parallel acquisition in a fading mobile channel E. Sourour;S. C. Gupta
- IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.12 no.5 Direct sequence spread spectrum matched filter acquisition in frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels B. B. Ibrahim;A. H. Aghvami
- Proc. Globecom Parallel acquisition scheme with reference filter for a DS/SSMA packet radio system J. Y. Kim;J. H. Lee
- Proc. ICC Direct-sequence Multi-carrier CDMA parallel acquisition in a multipath fading channel Peter Schafer;M. Nakagawa
- Digital communications J. G. Proakis