Evaluation of Structural Integrity and Performance Using Nondestructive Testing and Monitoring Techniques

  • Published : 1998.09.01


In this paper, the necessity of developing effective nondestructive testing and monitoring techniques for the evaluation of structural integrity and performance is described. The evaluation of structural integrity and performance is especially important when the structures and subject to abrupt external forces such as earthquake. A prompt and extensive inspection is required over a large area of earthquake-damaged zone. This evaluation process is regarded as a part of performance-based design. In the paper, nondestructive testing and monitoring techniques particularly for concrete structures are presented as methods for the evaluation of structural integrity and performance. The concept of performance-based design is first defined in the paper followed by the role of evaluation of structures in the context of overall performance=based design concept. Among possible techniques for the evaluation, nondestructive testing methods for concrete structures using radar and a concept of using fiber sensor for continuous monitoring of structures are presented.



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