토목기술자를 위한 암반공학(III)

  • 장보안 (정회원, 강원대학교 자연과학대학 지구물리학과) ;
  • 조인기 (자연과학대학 지구물리학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01




  1. 암석·암반의 조사와 시험 윤지선
  2. Engineering geology and geotechnics Bell,F.G.
  3. Engineering in Rock Masses Bell,F.G.
  4. Int. J. Rock mech. Min. Sci. v.9 The point load strength test Broch,E.;Franklin,J.A.
  5. Proc. Conf. Rock Eng. v.1 A method overcoming both shape and size effects in point load testing Brooks,W.F.
  6. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. v.1 On the validity of the Brazilian test for brittle materials Fairhurst,C.
  7. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. v.9 The slake durability test Franklin,J.A.;Chandra,R.
  8. Rock engineering Franklin,J.A.;Dusseault,M.B.
  9. Ph.D. thesis, University of Illionis Durability-plasticity classification of shales and otehr argillaceous rocks Gamble,J.C.
  10. Introduction to rock mechanics Goodman,R.E.
  11. Rock slope engineering Hoek,E.;Brown,J.W.
  12. Comprehensive rock engineering v.3-1 Hudson,J.A.
  13. Rock charcterization testing & monitoring (ISRM suggested method) ISRM;E.T.Brown(ed.)
  14. Eng. Geol. v.5 Measurement of tensile strength by diametral compression of discs and annuli Mellor,M.;Hawkes,I.
  15. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. v.11 Relationship between some physical properties of rock determined by laboratory tests Szlavin,J.
  16. Handbook on mechanical properties of rocks v.1 Vutukuri,V.S.;Lama,R.D.;Saluja,S.S.