신문광고를 통해 본 시대별 주거가치 변화에 관한 연구 -아파트 관련 광고를 중심으로-

A Study on the Change of Housing Values through Advertisement in Newspaper

  • 신화경 (상명대학교 소비자 주거학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


This study was designed to know the change of housing values from 1960s to the present, for finding the directions of housing design and housing policy. The content analysis method was used for this study. Data were collected through advertisement about apartment in newspaper, and the sample consisted of 781 advertisements. Frequency, percentage and x2-test were used. The results showed that housing values were changed according to the times. Especially, the economic value, the convenience value, the family centrism value, the location value, and the educational environment value were changed.



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