주거내 TV학습의 시각특성을 고려한 조명환경에 관한 연구

A Study on the Lighting Environment Considering the Visual Characteristic of the TV Learning in Housing

  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


This study has carried out two steps. Firstly, the questionnaire was carried out in order to extract visual interference factors in the TV learning spaces. Secondly, on the basis of the questionnaire, it has been carried out two experiments in the TV learning space. In the experiment I, the preferable luminance of the characters and the preferable luminance ratios between the characters and backgrounds on the TV screen are extracted. In the experiment II, the preferable luminance distributions on the TV screen and its surrounding surfaces is found out. The data made in this study is expected to utilize in the lighting design on the TV learning spaces as guides.



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