GIS를 이용한 USLE 지형인자(LS) 자동계산 방법에 관한 연구

Development of a GIS Method for the Automatic Calculation of LS Factor of USLE

  • 우창호 (목포대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 황국웅 (대구효성카톨릭대학교 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


Conentionally, LS factor for the USLE suggested by Wischmeier has been computed manually on topographic maps based on one dimensional approach. But outcomes of the equation could be severely affected by the convergence and divergence of surface runoff at complex terrains. Thus the objective of this research are to develop a method to automatically compute LS factor based on the multiple flow algorithm, and to test the accuracy of this method by comparing outcomes of this method to previous measurements or estimations of soil erosion. The program for the automatic calculation of LS factor was developed by utilizing Fox Pro 4.5, and outcomes of the program is designed to input to IDRISI. The accuracy test of LS factor was carried out by comparing the actual measurements of soil loss at two test sites in and around of Suwon. The calculated volume of soil erosion at Buju mountain, Mokpo, was also compared to the outcome of a previous research based on the LS factor calculated by the conventional onedimensional approach. The outcomes of this research are as follows. First, the computed L based on the multiple flow algorithm for concae slopes are greater than those of convex slopes,. Second, the estimated soil loss based on this method at the test site in Mokpo is much greater than the outcomes based on the conventional one-dimensional approach. It can e concluded that the application of this automatic calculation method of LS factor can improve the accuracy of USLE and facilitate soil erosion prevention methods.



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