- Journal of Metals v.42 H.L.Marcus;J.J.Beaman;J.W.Barlow;D.L.Bourell
- Design News v.46 no.3 J.J.Beamam
- Manufacturing Research and Technology 19 Solid Freeform Manufacturing D.Kochan
- Proceedings of the Solid Freefrom Fabrication Symposium v.3 U.Lakshminarayn;H.L.Marcus
- Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium v.5 K.Subramannian;G.Zong;H.L.Marcus
- Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium v.2 N.K.Vail;J.W.Barlow
- Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium v.5 Insup Lee;A.Manthiram;H.L.Marcus
- Glass-Ceramic Materials v.170 Z.Strand