- 日本金屬學會會報 v.30 no.4
- 鐵 と鋼 v.74 大藏明光
- Scripta Materialia v.37 no.12 H.K.Ahn;T.Kobayashi
- Mater. Sci. and Tech. v.5 C.M.Friend
- Annual Book of ASTM Standards ASTM E813-89 ASTM
- J. Test. Eval. v.29 W.L.Server
- Eng. Fracture Mech. v.83 T.Kobayashi;I.Yamamoto;M.Niinomi
- ASTM STP 536 J.R.Rice;P.C.Paris;J.G.Merkle
- Nuel. Eng. Design v.27 T.Kobayashi;M.Niinomi
- Acta Metall. v.37 J.K.Shang;R.O.Richie
- Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures Applications of Fracture Mechanics S.T.Rolfe;J.M.Barsom
- Metall. Trans. A v.22 K.Cho;S.Lee;Y.W.Chang;J.Duffy
- Metals Handbook v.12 Quantitative Fractography E.E.Underwood;K.Banerji