Derivation of a Group of Lyapunov Functions reflecting Damping Effects and its Application

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Stability analysis of nonlinear systems is mostly based on the Lyapunov stability theory. The well-known Lyapunov function method provides precise and rigorous theoretical backgrounds. However, the conventional approach to direct stability analysis has been performed without taking account of damping effects, which is pointed as a minor but crucial drawback. For accurate has been performed without taking account of damping effects, which is pointed as a minor but crucial drawback. For accurate stability analysis of nonlinear systems, it is required to take the damping effects into account. This paper presents a new method to derive a group of Lyapunov functions to reflect the damping effects by considering the integral relationships of the system governing equations. A systematical approach is developed to convert a part of damping loss into some appropriate system energy terms. Examples show that the proposed method remarkably improves the estimation of the region of attraction compared considering damping effects. The proposed method can be utilized as a useful tol to determine the region of attraction.



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