취나물류의 Vitamin 및 일반성분 함량분석

Analysis of Vitamins and General Components in the Leaves of Chwinamul

  • 신국현 (서울대학교 천연물과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


To produce several high-quality species of Chwinamul (Aster scaber, A. Tataricus, Ligularia fischeri), leaves of the plants grown in different natural habitats were anlayzed. Contents in vitamin C and $\beta$-carotene were generally higher in plants grown in the field. However, Aster scaber picked form Yongwol and A. tataricus from Mt.Taryong contained relatively higher vitamin c and $\beta$ carotene. Crude protein and fat contents varied depending on the growing area. Ca content was markedly higher in the plants grown in the natural havitats.



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