Pericarp Anatomy of Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae)

메밀속 식물의 과피 해부형태

  • Heo, Kweon (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, KangWon National University) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Cheol (Chunchon National University of Education)
  • 허권 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학) ;
  • 이기철 (춘천교육대학원)
  • Published : 1998.08.01


Percicarp anatomy of Fagophrum was examined on the basis of 12 species and two subspecies to contribute to a better understanding of specific phylogenetic relationship within genus. Examined species have a similar mature pericarp structure, but differences among the species are found with respect to whether or not sclerotic cells are present, and what kind of is the sclerotic cell shape in theexocarp. By the comparisons with pericarp anatomical structure, they are classified into three groups. First clade is composed of F. esculentum , F. esculentum ssp. ancestralis and F. homotropicum ; second clade is consisted of F. tataricum, F. tataricum ssp. potanini and Fl cymosum ; third clade is composed of f. callianthum,F. capillatum, F. gracilipes, F. leptopodum, F.lineare, F. pleioramosum, F.statice and F.urophyllum. The phylogey based on pericarp characters was considerably consistent with ones proposed by previous authors. It also suggested that pericarp characters are useful informatino for deduceing phylogenetic phylogenetic realtionship within geneus Fagopyrum. On the other hand, morphological character evolution indicated that there are tow synapomorphies in genus. There,it was suggested that these species having selfing and homostylous characters are evolved form heterostylous and ourcrossing species.



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