- Flora v.178 Cambial structure of Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. in relation to age Ajmal, S.;R. Khan;M. Iqbal
- Am. J. Bot. v.10 The cambium and its derivative tissues. Ⅵ. The increase in girth of cambium Bailey, I. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.29 The annual cycle of changes in the fusiform cambial cells of Chamaecyparis and Thuja Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.34 Some aspects of elongation of fusiform cambial cells in Thuja occidentalis L Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.38 Cambial behavior with reference to cell length and ring width in Thuja occidentalis L. Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.38 Ontogenetic trends in conifer cambium with repects to frequency of anticlinal division and cell length Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.40 Cambial behavior with reference to cell length and ring width in Pinus strobus L. Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Bot. v.41 Cambial behavior with reference to cell length and ring width in Picea Bannan, M. W.
- Can. J. Res. Botanical Sciences v.28 The length of fusiform cambial cells in Chamaecyparis Bannan, M. W.;B. E. Whalley
- Can. J. Bot. v.34 Cell size and survival in conifer cambium Bannan, M. W.;I. L. Bayly
- Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry Berlyn, G. P.;J. P. Miksche
- N. Z. J. Bot. v.10 Developmental changes in the cambium of Aeschynomene hispida Willd Butterfield, B. G.
- New Phytol. v.71 The relation of ray spacing to cambial growth Carmi, A. T.;T. Sachs;A. Fahn
- Ann Sc. Nat.(Bot.) 12 eser v.5 Origine, function ement et variations cytologiques saisonieres due cambium de I, Acer pseudoplatanus Catesson, A. M.
- Am. J. Bot. v.50 The vascular cambium and xylem development in Hibiscus laciocarpus Cumbie, B. G.
- Am. J. Bot. v.54 Developmental changes in the vascular cambium of Leitneria floridana Cumbie, B. G.
- Am. J. Bot. v.50 Some aspects of cambial development in Pyrus communis Evert, R. F.
- Flora v.162 Some aspects of cambial development in the shoots of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Yunus
- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club v.101 The ratio ray and fusiform initials in some woody species of the human complex Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Yunus
- Phytomorphology v.24 Cambial structure Dalbergia sissoo Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Yunus
- Bot. Notiser v.128 A comparative study on the cambial structure of some arid zone species of Acacia and Prosopis Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Iqbal
- Bull. Torrey Bot. Club v.104 Variation trends in the cambial structure of Prosopis spicigera L. in relation to the growth of tree axis Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Iqbal
- Curr. Sci. v.44 Ratio of ray and fusiform initials in the vascular cambium of some arid zone plants Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. Yunus;M. Iqbal
- Bot. Jb. v.95 A comparative study on the cambial structure of some Bauhinia species Ghouse, A.K.M.;M. Yunus;M. Iqbal
- Phytomorphology v.30 no.1 Comparative study on the structure of vascular cambium in some Verbenaceae Ghouse, A. K. M.;M. I. H.;S. Khan;A. H. Khan
- Flora v.170 Changes in the vascular cambium of Polialthia longifolia Benth. et Hork.(Annonaceae) in relation to the girth of the tree Ghouse, A. K. M.;S. Hashmi
- Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. v.90 no.2 Developmental changes in the vascular cambium of Delonix regia Rafin Ghouse, A. K. M.;S. Hashmi
- 식물학회지 v.33 no.1 아까시나무의 줄기에 있어서 유관속 형성층의 활동과 방사조직의 발생 한경식;소웅영
- Plant Morphology v.8 Developmental changes of rays in stems of selected woody dicotyledons Han, K. S.;W. Y. Soh
- Bot. Arch. v.2 Vergleichende Holzanatomie der Pappeln und Baumweiden Hermann, H.
- Flora v.173 Ontogenetic changes in the cambial structure of Citrus sinensis Khan, M.I.H.;T.O. Siddiqi;A. H. Khan
- Flora v.178 Variation in size and amount of wood elements across and within the growth rings in Terminolia tomentosa Mahmooduzzafar;M. Iqbal
- Anatomy of the Dicotyledoms v.Ⅱ Metcalfe, C.R.;L. Chalk
- The Vascular Cambium, its Development and Activity Philipson, N. R.;J. M. Ward;B. G. Butterfield
- Botanical Microtechnique(3rd Ed.) Sass, J. E.
- Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. English editions v.2 Solereder, H.;L. A. Boodle(tr.);F. E. Fritsch(tr.)
- Am. J. Bot. v.50 Increase in cell wall surface area during enlargement of cambial derivatives in Abies concolor Wilson, B. F.
- The Formation of Woods in Forest Tree A model for cell production by the cambium of conifers Wilson, B. F.;Zimmermann, M. H.(ed.)