Development Changes of the Secondary Xylem Elements in Aristolochia manshuriensis Komarov

등칡의 2기목부요소의 발생학적 변이

  • Published : 1998.08.01


The developmental changes occuring in the secondary xylem of Aristolochia manshuriensis Komarov have been studied in different ages of vine stems. A. manshuriensis possesses typical storeyed cambium comprising both vertically elongated fusiform initials and almost isodiametric ray cell initials. Stems of A. manshuriensis have wide rays that make the secondary xylem appear dissected as other vine types. The length of vessel member and fiber remained relatively constant throughout the secondary growth. However, vessel diameter increases with the increasing age of stem till the cell reaches their maximum limit and later more or less stabilize in diameter while number of vessel per $\textrm{mm}^2$ is vice versa. Width and relative proportion of ray to axial elements gradually increased with the increasing age of stem and later remained relatively constant.



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