Study on Matter Production and Phothsynthetic Characteristics in Wild Vegetable(Chwinamul)

취나물류의 물질생산과 광합성특성에 관한 연구 II. 수분스트레스하에서 고온 및 저온처리가 취나물류의 광합성속도에 미치는 영향

  • 조동하 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물응용과학부)
  • Published : 1998.08.01


The response of water stree under high and low temperatures, was shown differently according to the longer the suspension period of water supply. Leaf photosynthetic rate(LPS), leaf water potential(WP), relative leaf water content and relative soil water content were lower. At the higher temperatures, the percentate of reduction in LPS and WP was greater than at low temperatures. It is suggested that evaporation rate should be higher in the high temperature than the lower temperature. Also leaf water potential was lower at high temperature than at low temperature. After the 9 th day of treatment , LSP was remarkably reduced at high temperature, but the reduction of LPS was not significant at low temperature. Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatic that maintained LPS of 3rd day after treatment was more strong than other varieties at low temperatures. The silting and curling of leaves were observed symptoms of stress on the 9th day at the both temperatures. The leaves of aster scaber and Ligularia fischeri turned red on the 9th day after treatment at low temperature.



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