- 한국심리학회 1996년도 연차학술대회 학술발표 논문집 정서가 판단에 미치는 영향: '정보로서의 정서' 모형 검증 빈성혜;안신호
- 한국심리학회 1997년도 연차 학술대회 학술발표 논문집 인지적 평가차원 상에서 4가지 개별정서가 지닌 독특성에 관한 연구 이수정;윤소연;김미경;이훈구
- Language, memory, and thought Anderson, J. R.
- Human associative memory Anderson, J. R.;Bower, G. H.
- Emotion & Personality v.2 Arnol, M. B.
- Handbook of social cognition v.3 Automatic and cognitive processing of social information Bargh, J. A.;R. S. Wyer, Jr.(ed.);T. K. Srull(ed.)
- Unintended thought Conditional automaticity: Varieties of automatic influence in social perception and cognition Bargh, J. A.;J. S. Uleman(ed.);J. A. Bargh(ed.)
- Journal of Personalitry and Social Psychology v.50 The additive nature of chronic and temporary sources of construct accessibility Bargh, J. A.;Bond, R. N.;Lombardi, W. J.;Tota, M. E.
- Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Psychology v.3 On the preconscious evaluation of social stimuli Bargh, J. A.;Litt, J. E.;Pratto, F.;Spielman, L. A.;K. McConkey(ed.);A. Bennet(ed.)
- American Psychologist v.36 Mood and memory Bower, G. H.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.43 Automatic information processing and social perception: The influence of trait information presented outside of conscious awarenes on impression formation Bargh, J. A.;Pietromonaco, P.
- Science v.269 Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans Bechara, A. D.;Tranel, H.;Damasio, R.;Adophs, C.;Rockland;Damasio, A. R.
- British Journal of Clinical Psychology v.28 Evidence of reduced 'cognitive inhibition in schizophrenia Beech, A.;Powell, T.;Mcwilliam, J.;Claridge G.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.70 Automatic and controlled processes in stereotype priming Blair, I. V.;Banaji, M. R.
- Psychological Bulletin v.99 Affect and memory: A review Blaney, P.
- Emotion and social judgements Mood congruity of social judgements Bower, G. H.;J. P. Forgas(ed.)
- Affect and cognition Emotional influences in memory and thinking: Data and theory Bower, G. H.;Cohen, P. R.;M. S. Clark(ed.);S. T. Fiske(ed.)
- Psychological Review v.64 On perceptual readiness Bruner, J. S.
- Affect and cognition Toward understanding the relationship between feeling states and social behavior Clark, M. S.;Isen, A. M.;M. S. Clark(ed.);S. T. Fiske(ed.)
- The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions Why emotions are never unconscious? Clore, G. L.;P. Ekman(ed.);R. J. Davidson(ed.)
- Psychological Review v.82 A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing Collins, A. M.;Loftus, E. F.
- Psychological Science v.3 New developments in the scientific study of emotion: An introduction to the special section Davidson, R. J.;Cacioppo, J. T.
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology v.27 Affective and semantic priming: Effects of mood on category accessibility and inference Erber, R.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.69 Variability in automatic activation as an unobtrusive measure of racial attitudes: A Bona Fide Pipeline? Fazio, R. H.;Jackson, J. R.;Dunton, B. C.;Williams, C. J.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.50 On the automatic activation of attitudes Fazio, R. H.;Sanbonmatsu, D. M.;Powell, M. C.;Kardes, F. R.
- British Journal of Psychiatry v.134 Consciousness, information processing, and schizophrenia Frith, C. D.
- Betrayal trauma: The logic of forgetting childhood abuse Freyd, J. J.
- Cognition. Glass, A. L.;Holyoak, K. J.;Santa, J. L.
- Perceptual and Motor Skills v.11 Developmental studies of visual recognition of incomplete objects Gollin, E. S.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.45 Implicit learning and generalization of the "mere exposure" effect Gordon, P. C.;Holyoak, K. J.
- The Journal of Neuroscience v.12 Fundamental anatomy of human procedural learning determined with regional cerebral blood flow and PET Grafton, S. T.;Mazziotta, J. C.;Presty, S.;Friston, K. J.;Frackowiak;Phelps, M. E.
- Journal of Experimental psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition v.22 Level of processing effects in word completion priming: A neuropsychological study Hamann S. B.;Squire, L. R.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.54 Finding the face in the crowd: An anger superiority effect Hansen, C. H.;Hansen, R. D.
- The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention Automatic emotion: attention and facial efference Hansen, C. H.;Hansen, R. D.;P. M. Niedenthal(ed.);S. Kitayama(ed.)
- Treatise on psychological optics(3rd ed., Vol. 3. J. P. C. Southall, Trans.) Helmholtz, H. von.
- Annual Review of Psychology v.38 Social cognition and social perception Higgins, E. T.;Bargh, J. A.
- Personality, cognition, and social interaction Accessibility of social constructs: Information-processing consequences of individual and contextual variability Higgins, E. T.;King, G.;N. Cantor(ed.);J. F. Khilstrom(ed.)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.43 Individual construct accessibility and subjective impressions and recall Higgins, E. T.;King, G. A.;Jones, C. R.
- Handbook of social cognition v.3 Toward understanding the role of affect in cognition Isen, A. M.;R. S. Wyer(ed.);T. K. Srull(ed.)
- Advances in experimental social psychology v.20 Postitive affect, cognitive processes, and social behavior Isen, A. M.;Berkowitz(ed.)
- Psychological Review v.99 Basic emotions, relations among emotions, and emotion-cognition relations Izard, C. E.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.56 Becoming famous overnight: Limits on the ability to avoid unconscious influences of the past Jacoby, L. L.;Kelley, C.;Brown, J.;Jasechko, J.
- The principles of psychology v.2 James, W.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.58 Interaction between affect and cognition in word perception Kitayama, S.
- The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention Affective regulation of perception and comprehension: Amplification and semantic priming Kitayama, S.;Howard, S.;P. M. Niedenthal(ed.);S. Kitayama(ed.)
- American Journal of Psychiatry v.135 Maladaptive cognitive structures in depression Kovacs, M.;Beck, A. T.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.99 Facilitation of word recognition by semantic priming in schizophrenia Kwapil, T. R.;Hegley, D. C.;Chapman, L. J.;Chapman, J. P.
- Nebraska symposium on motivation Emotions and adaptation: Conceptual and empirical relations Lazarus, R. S.;W. J. Arnold(ed.)
- American Psychologist v.39 On the primacy of cognition Lazarus, R. S.
- Cognition and Emotion v.3 Cognitive-emotional interactions in the brain Ledoux, J. E.
- The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions Emotional processing, but not emotions, can occur unconsciously Ledoux, J. E.;P. Ekman(ed.);R. J. Davidson(ed.)
- Psychological Review v.87 Recognizing: The judgement of previous occurrence Mandler, G.
- Cognitive Psychology v.15 Conscious and unconscious perception: Experiments in visual masking and word recognition Marcel, A. J.
- Cognitive Psychology v.15 Conscious and unconscious perception: An approach to the relation between phenomenal experience and perceptual processes Marcel, A. J.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.98 Implicit and explicit memory bias in anxiety Mathews, A.;Mogg, K.;May, J.;Eysenck, M.
- British Journal of Medical Psychology v.34 Disorders of attention and perception in early schizophrenia Mcghie, A.;Chapman, J.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology v.90 Facilitation in recognizing pairs of words: Evidence of a dependence between retrieval operations Meyer, D. E.;Schvaneveidt, R. W.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.64 Affect, cognition, and awareness: Affective priming with suboptimal and optimal stimulus Murphy, S. T.;Zajonc, R. B.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.69 Additivity of nonconscious affect: combined effects of priming and exposure Murphy, S. T.;Zajonc, R. B.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General v.106 Semantic priming and retrieval from lexical memory: Roles of inhibitionless spreading activation and limited-capacity attention Neely, J.
- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology v.26 Implicit perception of affective information Niedenthal, P. M.
- The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention Niethenthal, P. M.;Kitayama, S.
- The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention Emotional organization of perceptual memory Niedenthal, P. M.;Setterlund, M. B.;Jones, D. E.;P. M. Niedenthal(ed.);S. Kitayama(ed.)
- American Scientist v.82 Behaviorism, cognitivism and the neuropsychology of memory Petri, H. L.;Mishkin, M.
- Emotion: A psychoevolutionary synthesis Plutchik, R.
- Information processing and cognition: The Loyola Symposium Attention and cognitive control Posner, M. I.;Snyder, C. R. R.;R. L. Solso(ed.)
- The Heart's Eye: Emotional Influences in Perception and Attention Consciousness and automatic evaluation Pratto, F.;P. M. Niedenthal(ed.);S. Kitayama(ed.)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.61 Automatic vigilance: The attention-grabbing power of negative social information Pratto, F.;John, O. P.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences v.89 Implicit knowledge: New perspectives on unconscious processes Schachter, D. L.
- Social Science Information v.21 Emotion as process: Function, origin, and regulation Scherer, K. R.
- Psychological Review v.84 Controlled and automatic human information processing: Ⅰ. Detection, search, and attention Schneider, W.;Shiffrin, R. M.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.45 Mood, misattribution, and judgements of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states Schwarz, N.;Clore, G. L.
- Journal of Neurosurgery and Psychiatry v.20 Loss of recent memory after bilateral hippocampal lesions Scoville, W. B.;Milner, B.
- Archives of General Psychiatry v.6 Segmental set: A theory of the formal psychological deficit in schizophrenia Shakow, D.
- Psychological Review v.84 Controlled and automatic human information processing: Ⅱ. Perceptual learning, automatic attending, and a general theory Shiffrin, R. M.;Schneider, W.
- Social Cognition v.5 When is a schema not a schema? The "Big Five" traits as cognitive structures Smith, S. S.;Khilstrom, J. F.
- Memory and the brain Squire, L. R.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.54 Inhibiting and facilitating conditions of he human smile: unobtrusive test of the facial feedback hypothesis Strack, F.;Martin, L. L.;Stepper, S.
- Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology v.37A The negative priming effect: Inhibitory priming by ignored objects Tipper, S. P.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General v.114 Search asymmetry: A diagnostic for preattentive processing of separable features Treisman, A.;Souther, J.
- Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers v.18 Perceptual identification of visually degraded stimuli Vokey, J. R.;Baker, J. G.;Hayman, G.;Jacoby, L. L.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.101 Mood-congruent memory in depression: emotional priming or elaboration Watkins, P. C.;Mathews, A.;Williamson, D. A.;Fuller, R. D.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.68 Flexible correction processes in social judgement: The role of naive theories in corrections for perceived bias Wegener, D. T.;Petty, R. E.
- Advances in Experimental Social Psychology v.29 The flexible correction model: the role of naive theories of bias in bias correction Wegener, D. T.;Petty, R. E.
- Cognitive psychology and emotional disorders Williams, J. M.;Watts, F.;Macleod, C.;Mathews, A.
- American Psychologist v.35 Feeling and thinking: preferences need no inferences Zajonc, R. B.
- Approaches to emotion On primacy of affect Zajonc, R. B.;K. R. Scherer(ed.);P. Ekman(ed.)
- Review of personality and Social Psychology: Vol. 5. Emotions. relationships, and health Cognitive determinants of emotions: A structural theory Roseman, I.;P. Shaver(ed.)