- Acta Otolaryngologica v.23 Genetic hearing impairment in the Dalmatian dog Anderson H;Henricson B;Landquist PG;Wedenberg E;Wersall T
- Journal of Heredity v.62 White fur, blue eyes, and deafness in the domestic cat Bergsma DR;Brown KS
- Science v.189 Far-field acoustic response: Origins in the cat Buchwald TS
- Brain Research v.205 Middle- and long-latency auditory evoked responses recorded from the vertex of normal and chronically lesioned cats Buchwald JS;Himman C;Norman RJ;Huang CM;Brown KA
- evoked potentials in clinical medicine (2nd ed.) Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials : interpretation Chiappa KH
- Calif Vet. v.9 A cat with white fur and one blue eye Coulter DB;Martin CL;Alvarado TP
- Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian v.6 Hereditary deafness in the white cat Delack JB
- Br. vet. J. v.152 Brain-stem evoked responses as a diagnostic tool for deafness: A neurophysiologycal test with potential? Delauche AJ
- Miller's Anatomy of the dog (2nd ed.) The ear Evans HE;Christensen GC
- Scandinivian Audiology v.34 Treatment of noise induced hearing loss Flottorp G
- Journal of the accoustical Society of America v.14 Cochlear potentials elicited from bats by supersonic sounds Galambos R
- Neurology v.31 Brainstem Auditory and short-latency somatosensory evoked responses in brain death Goldie WD;Chiappa KH;Young RR;Brooks EB
- Toxicology Letters v.52 Aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity Govaerts PJ;Claes T;Van De Heyning PH;Jorens PG;Marquet J;De Broe ME
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. v.17 Canine congenital deafness: epidemiologic study of 272 cases Hayes HM;Wilson GP;Fenner WR
- Behav Neurosci. v.97 Hearing in large dogs and small dogs: absolutely thresholds and size of the tympanic membrane Heffner HE
- Am J Vet Res. v.46 Brain stem auditory-evoked petentials of dogs: Wave forms and effects of recording electrode positions Holliday TA;Marian E;Te Selle BA
- J Vet Int Med v.6 Unilateral and Bilateral Brainsem Auditory-Evoked Response Abnormalities in 900 Dalmatian Dogs Holliday TA;Nelson HJ;Williams DC;Willits N
- Brain Res. v.184 A comparative study of the brain stem auditory response in mammals Huang, C.
- Brain v.94 Auditory-evoked far field averaged from the scalp of humans Jewett. DL;Williston JS
- Veterinary Record v.114 Hearing in the dog as assessed by auditory brain-stem evoked potentials Kay R;plamar AC;Taylor PM
- Can J Vet Res v.52 Auditory-evoked responses of dogs with different hearing abilities Knowles K;Cash CW;Blauch BS
- Vet. clin. North Am.,Small anim. pract. v.24 no.5 Deafness in the dog and cat Luttgen, PJ
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.178 Brainstem auditory-evoked response in the diagnosis of inner ear injury in the horse Marshall AE;Byars TD;Whithock RH
- Vet Surg v.24 Wound Healing and Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potentials After Experimental Total Ear Canal Ablation with Lateral Tympanic Bulla Osteotomy in Dogs Mcanulty JF;Hattel A;Harvey CE
- Vet. Hum. Toxicol. v.37 no.3 Closantel intoxication in a dog McEntee K;Grauwels M;Clercx C;Henroteaux M
- Am J Vet Res. v.41 Effects of neomycin on the waveform of auditory-evoked brain stem potentials in dogs Morgan JL;Coulter DB;Marsh AE
- Veterinary Surgery v.18 Hearing loss in dogs subjected to total ear canal ablation Payne JT;Shell LG;Flora RM;Martin RA;Shires PK
- J.A.A.H.A. v.16 The diagnostic uses of impedance audiometry in the dog Penrod JP;Coulter DB
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther. v.139 Some effects of anesthetics on the evoked responses in the auditory cortex of cats Pradhan SN;Galambos R
- Acta Otolaryngologica v.76 Anatomy and Physiology of the onset of auditory function Pujol R;Hilding D
- Veterinary Neurology v.3 Evoked response Redding RW;Myers LJ
- Am. J. Vet. Res. v.45 Auditory-evoked response in the clinically normal dog: early latency components Sims MH;Moore RE
- Am. J. Vet. Res. v.45 Auditory-evoked response in the clinically normal dog: middle latency components Sims MH;Moore RE
- Am J Vet Res. v.56 Ototoxicity assessment of a gentamicin sulfate otic preparation in dogs Stai GM;Merchant SR;Neer TM;Tedford BL
- J. Hered. v.85 no.1 Inherited deafness among nervous pointer dogs Steinberg SA;Klein E;Killens RL;Uhde TW
- Br. Vet. J. v.152 Aetriology, prevalence and diagnosis of deafness in dogs and cats Strain GM
- Am. J. Vet. Res. v.54 no.11 Brain stem auditory evoked potentials from bone stimulation in dogs Strain GM;Green KD;Twedt AC;Tedford Bl