초음파검사에 의한 소의 번식장애 감별진단 및 치료법 개발 II. 무발정우의 감별진단

Development of Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Method of Reproductive Disorders Using Ultrasonography in Cows II. Differential Diagnosis of Subestrous Dairy Cows

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Accuracy of rectal palpation and ultrasonography for differential diagnosis of subestrous dairy trows were investigatedl using the result of pIRsma progesterone assay. The ovaries were examined 2 times of 10 days interval in 520 posearom and postinsemination subestroHs dairy cows, using rectal palpation and B-mode transrectal ultrasonography. The results of rectal palpation, ultrasonographic examination and measurement of plasma progesterone profiles in 520 subestrous dairy cows were silent brat or error of estrus detection 303 (58.3%), persistent corpus luteum 59 (11.3%), follicular cyst 37 (7.1%), luteal cyst 16 (3.1%), inactive ovary 9 (1.7%), granulosa tumor 1 (0.2%), hydmsalphinx 1 (0.2%), endomehris 81 (15.6%), pyometra 12 (2.3%) and mummified fetus 1 (0.2%), respectively. Accuncy of rectal palpation and ultrasonography for diagiosing ovarian disordeir based on plasma progesterone profiles were silent heat or error of estrus detection 80.5% and 96.7%$\boxUl$ persistent corpus luteum 57.6% and 94.9%, follicular cyst 62.5% and 91.9%1 luteal cyst 62.5% and 87.5%, maclive ovary 55.6% and 88.9% and granulosa cell tumor 100% and 100%, respectively. Acnuucy of rectal palpation for diagnosing uterine disorders based on ultrasonography was pyometra 75.0%1 endometritis 51.9% and mummified fetus 100%, respectively. Cbaracteristic ultrasonographic appearances of ovaries in subestrous dairy cows were as follows; Silent heat or error of estrus detection: anechoic follicle or hypoechoic corpus luteum than ovarian stroma was alternately present on Day 0 (first examination) and Day 10. Follicular cyst: uniformly nonechogenic ovarian structure $\geq $ 25 mm in diameter with a wall < 3 mm was present in ipsilateral on Day 0 and Day 10. Luteal cyst: luteal cyst was similar to follicular cysts but thickness of cystic wall was $\geq $ 3 mm. Inactive ovary : structures within ovaries was not present on Day 0 Bnd Day 10. Characteristic uthssonograpsc appearances of uterus in subestrous dairy cows were as follows; Endometritis: characterized by uterine lumen containing fluid in which 'snowy'echogenic particles art suspended. Pyometra: ultrasonographic appearance of pyometra was diffuse echogenic particles distributed in fluid within the distended uterus, and a thickened uterine wall. These results indicated that ultrasonography was practical far diagnosing reproductive disorders. To diagnosing ovarian disorders, ultrasonography should be carried out 2 times of 10 days interval and rndometritis should be differentiated with uterus of luteal phase in normal cycling cows.



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