- Vet Rec v.101 Anatomical features of cystic ovaries in cattle during an abattoir survey Al-Dahash SYA;David JSE
- Theriogenology v.35 Factors influencing the accuracy of early pregnancy detection in cattle by real-time ultrasound scanning of the uterus Badtram GA;Gaines JD;Thomas CB;Bosu WTK
- J Dairy Sci v.69 Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F₂α for postpartum dairy cows : oestrus, ovulation and fertility traits Benmrad M;Stevenson JS
- Anim Prod v.30 Abnormal patterns of ovarian activity in dairy cows and their relationships with reproductive performance Bulman DC;Wood PDP
- Theriogenology v.34 Variability of ovarian structures and plasma progesterone profiles in dairy cows with ovarian cysts Carroll DJ;Pierson RA;Hauser ER;Grummer RR;Combs DK
- Proceeding of the final research Coordination meeting of an FAO/IAEA, IAEA-TECDOC 736 Application of progesterone measurement for fertility control in Korean Native Cattle Choi HS;Kang BK;Son CH
- Br Vet J v.139 Analysis of factors influencing reproductive performance of the dairy cow by progesterone assay in milk-fat Claus R;Karg H;Zwiauer D;Pirchner F
- J Dairy Sci v.66 Use of prostaglandin F₂α or gonadotrophin releasing hormone in treating problem breeding cows Dailey RA;Inskeep EK;Washburn SP;Price JC
- Anim Reprod Sci v.12 The use of ultrasonography for the study of the bovine reproductive tract. Ⅰ. Normal and pathological ovarian structures Edmondson AJ;Fissore RA;Pashen RL;Bondurant RH
- Am J Vet Res v.29 Uterus of the cow after parturition: Bacterial content Elliot L;McMahon KJ;Gier HT;Marion GB
- Theriogenology v.35 Progesterone profiles in postpartum Holstein dairy cows as an aid in the study of retained fetal membranes, pyometra and anestrus Etherington WG;Christie KA;Walton JS
- Anim Reprod Sci v.12 The use of ultrasonography for the bovine reproductive tract.Ⅱ. Non-pregnant, pregnant and pathological conditions of the uterus Fissore RA;Edmondson AJ;Pashen RL;Garverick HA
- J Ultrasound Med v.9 Slice thickness artifacts in gray-scale ultrasound Goldstein A;Madrazo BL
- Vet Sci Commun v.1 The role of non-specific uterine infection in the infertility of clinically normal repeat-breeder cows Hartigan PJ
- Am J Vet Res v.41 Progesterone monitoring of anestrous dairy cows and subsequent treatment with a prostaglandin F₂α analogue of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone Humbolt P;Thibier M
- Vet Rec v.132 An ultrasonographic study of bovine cystic ovarian disease and its treatment Jeffcoate IA;Ayliffe TR
- 8th Intl Cong An Repro Art In, Madrid Relationship of clinical examinations to milk progesterone profiles Kalis CH;Van de Wiel DF
- Proc 9th Int Cong Anim Reprod & AI v.2 Milk progesterone assay for assessing cyclicity and ovarian dysfunction in cattle Karg H;Claus R;Gunzler O;Rattenberger E;Hahn R;Hocke P
- Can Vet J v.32 Accuracy of rectal palpation and of a rapid milk progesterone enzymeimmunoassay for determining the presence of a functional corpus luteum in subestrous dairy cows Kelton DF;Leslie KE;Etherington WG;Bonett BN;Walton JS
- Radiology v.145 The importance of ultrasonic side-lobe artifacts Lain FC;Kurtz AB
- Semin Ultrasound v.4 Commonly encountered artifacts in clinical ultrasound Laing FC
- J Anim Sci v.27 Factors affecting bovine ovarian activity after aprturition Marion GB;Gier HT
- The Bov Pract v.15 Endometritis of dairy cattle: diagnosis, treatment and fertility Miller HV;Kimsey MS;Kendrick JW;Darien B;Doerring L;Franti C;Horton J
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Use of milk progesterone enzyme immunoassay for differential diagnosis of follicular cyst, luteal cyst, and cystic corpus luteum in cows Nakao T;Sugihashi A;Saga N;Tsunoda N;Kawata K
- JAVMA v.188 Comparison of palpable corpora lutea with serum progesterone concentrations in cows Ott RS;Bretzlaff KN;Hixon JE
- Br Vet J v.142 Accuracy of rectal palpation in the diagnosis of corpora lutea in zebu cows Pathiraja N;Oyedipe EO;Vohjr AA;Dawuda PM
- Theriogenology v.41 Ultrasonographic imaging to monitor early pregnancy and embryonic development in the buffalo (Bubalus bulalis) Pawshe CH;Appa Rao KBC;Totey SM
- Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging artifacts in ultrasound Penninck DG;Nyland TG;Matton JS
- Theriogenology v.27 Affects of intrauterine infection on the function of the corpora lutea formed after first postpartum ovulation Peter AT;Bosu WTK
- Theriogenology v.26 Postpartum ovarian activity in dairy cows:Pedometer measurements and ovulations Peter AT;Bosu WTK
- Theriogenology v.28 Reliability of diagostic ultrasonography for indentification and measurement of follicles and detecting the corpus leteum in heifers Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- JAVMA v.190 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine uterus during the estrous cycle Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- Theriogenology v.29 Basic principles and techniques for transrectal ultrasonography in cattle and horses Pierson RA;Kastelic JP;Ginther OJ
- Vet Rec v.126 Detection of corpora lutea and follicles in cows:a comparison of transvaginal ultrasonography and rectal palpation Pieterse MC;Tarverne MAM;Kruip AM;Willemse AM
- J Reprod Fert v.77 Growth and regression of ovarian follicles during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle in heifers undergoing spontaneous nad PGF₂α-induced luteolysis Quirk SM;Hickey GJ;Fortune JE
- Br Vet J v.150 Ultrasound and progesterone monitoring of ovarian follicular cysts in cows treated with GnRH Ribadu AY;Dobson H;Ward WR
- Vet Rec v.135 Comparative evaluation of ovarian structures in cattle by palpation per rectum, ultrasonography and plasma progesterone concentration Ribadu AY;Ward WR;Dobson H
- Cornell Vet v.58 Unusual case of bovine mucometra associated with a persistent corpus luteum Roberts SJ;Fox FH
- Clinical examinaiton of cattle (2nd ed.) Gynaecological examination Rosenberger G
- Agri Practice v.9 B-mode ultrasonic morphology of bovine follicular and luteal ovarian cysts Sprecher DJ;Nebel RJ
- Theriogenology v.31 The predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography for the determination of bovine luteal status Sprecher DJ;Nebel RL;Whitman SS
- Br Vet J v.136 A re-assessment of the technique of rectal palpation of corpora lutea in cows Watson ED;Munro CD
- Current therapy in theriogenology (1st ed.) Estrus detection in cattle Whitmore HL
- Diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in animal reproduction (1st ed.) Examination of the nonpregnant cow:Changes in the ovaries and oviducts Zemjanis R
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.35 Progesterone 濃度測定에 의한 乳牛의 繁殖效率增進에 관한 硏究. V. 血漿 Progesterone 濃度測定에 의한 無發情의 鑑別診斷 및 PGF₂α 또는 GnRH 治療效果의 判定 康炳奎;崔漢善;孫彰好;吳琦錫;姜賢求;金三株;金變鎭‘金南基
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.27 韓牛 및 乳牛의 卵巢양腫에 관한 解剖組織學的 所見 및 卵巢호르몬 分析 康炳奎;崔漢善;鄭永基
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.34 Progesterone 濃度測定에 의한 乳牛의 繁殖效率增進에 관한 硏究. IV. 乳汁중 progesterone 濃度測定에 의한 分娩後卵巢機能 回復狀態의 檢討 康炳奎;崔漢善崔相功;孫彰好;吳琦錫;姜賢求
- 韓國臨床獸醫學會誌 v.12 젖소에서 prostaglandin F₂α 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;강현구;김남기
- 韓國受精卵移植學會誌 v.13 초음파검사를 이용한 저수태우의 난소질환 진단과 GnRH또는 PGF₂α의 처치효과 윤기영;용환율;박종임;신태영;노상호;이병천;황우석