- Mammals of north ameica Cahalance VH
- Proc. Deer Branch VI Vet Assoc v.3 Comparative chemical test in deer Carter CE;Corrin KC;de Lisle GW;Kissling RS
- Proc Deer Branch VI Vet Assoc v.4 Haematology-based prediction of losing status in bovine tuberculosis of farmed red deer Cross JP
- Utah State Div. Wildl Resour Publ Reproduction and hematology of the Cache Elk herd Follis TB
- Irish Vet J v.42 The aetiology of tuberculosis and mycobacterial disease in farmed deer Griffin JFT
- J Mammal v.49 Physiological studies in the Rochy mountain elk Herin RA
- BCG. Immunology v.88 no.2 Activation of an interleukin-4 mRNA-producing population of peripheral blood mononuclear cells after infection with Mycobacterium bovis or vaccination with killed, but not live Hook S;Griffin F;Mackintosh C;Buchan G
- Vet Rec v.122 Blood biochemical reference values for farmed red deer Knox DP;McKelvey WAC;Jones DG
- J Anat v.158 Changes in blood content and histology during growth of antlers in red deer(Cervus elaphus) and their relationship to plasma testosterone levels Muir PD;Sykes AR;Barrell GK
- The Royal Society of New Zealand Bulletin v.22 Blood parameters of normal farmed red deer. Biology of Deer Production Reid TC;Towers NR
- J Wildl Manage v.39 Blood chemistry and hematology of elk Peterson RJ;Peterson AA
- J Wildl Dis v.9 A study of reproduction, disease and physiological blood and serum values in Idaho elk Vaughn HW;Knight RR;Frank FW
- Comp Biochem Physiol v.43 Blood chemistry of Roosevelt Elk(Cervus canadensis Roosevelti) Weber YB;Bliss ML
- Endocrinology v.137 no.2 Effects of season and nutrition on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰin male red deer Webster JR;Corson ID;Littlejohn RP;Stuart SK;Suttie JM
- General & Comparative Endocrinology v.103 no.3 Effects of glucose or insulin infusions on growth hormone secretion in male red deer Webster JR;Corson ID;Robertson AF;Littlejohn RP;Stuart SK;Suttie JM
- New Zealand Veterinary Journal v.44 Xylazine and a xylazine/fentanyl/azaperone combination in farmed deer. I. Dose rate comprison Wilson PR;Beimans J;Staffoard KJ;Veltman CJ;Spoorenberg J
- New Zealand Veterinary Journal v.44 Xylazine and a xylazine/fentanyl/azaperone combination in farmed deer. Ⅱ. Velvetantler removal and reversal combinations Wilson PR;Beimans J;Staffoard KJ;Veltman CJ;Spoorenberg J
- J Wildl Dis v.18 no.2 Hematologic and serum chemical values of adult female Rochy mountain elk from New Mexico and Oklahoma Wolfe G;Kocan AA;Thedifrod TR;Rarron SJ
- Acta Veterinaria Hungarica v.44 no.4 Comparison of some blood parameters of captured and farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) hinds Zomborszky Z;Feher T;Horn E;Poteczin E;Tuboly S;Kovacs-Zomborszky M
- 中藥材 v.13 no.6 孫炳南
- 鹿茸血 鹿血的藥理作用和臨床應用 秦榮前
- 中國養鹿學 韓坤;梁鳳錫;王樹誌 (等)