개에서 정상 친장 효소치와 서를 .경기지역 동물병원에 내원하는 환축중 췌장염 발생조사

The Studies on the Normal Values of Pacreatic Enzymes in Healthy Dogs and the Survey Pacreatitis in Dogs of Seoul and Kyung-gi Area

  • 윤영민 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 박수진 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 윤화영 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 최희인 (서울대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


Incidence of gastrointestinal disease in dogs of Seoul and Kyung-gi area was 40.5% (380/939) and dogs with gastrointestinal disease were more likely to be 1-5 month old (55.5%). Comparison among seasons revealed that spring(48.3%) was potentially at increased risk The incidence of pancreatitis in the gastrointestinal disease was 1.49% (6/402). In helathy dogs, amylase activity was higher in male dogs than female and in the alee of >1 year than <1 year. Lipase activity was higher in female dogs than male, and higher in the age of <1 year than >1 year. The correlation coefficient$(r^{2})$ was 0.71 between the methods of measuring amylase; amyloclastic and chromogenic methods.



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