젖소에서 경골신경마비성 파행 발생례

A Case of Tibial Nerve Paralysis in a Cow

  • 정순욱 (전남대학교 수의과대학)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


In a 2-month pregnant cow, tibial nerve paralysis occurred. The hock joint is overflexed and the fetlock is partially flexed since one month. After treatment with adequate beddings anti-inflammatory ointment and electrolyte solution during 4 weeks is recovered completely.



  1. Rosenberger G. Krankheiten des Rindes Krankheiten des Bewegungsapparates Dirksen G
  2. Lameness in cattle(3rd ed.) Greenough PR;Weaver AD
  3. Lameness in cattle(2nd ed.) Greenough PR;MacCallum FJ;Weaver AD