- J Mammal v.36 Erythrocyte values and alimentary PH values in the mule deer Bowman LG;Sears HS
- Veterinary clinical pathology(4th ed.) Coles EH
- Am J Vet Res v.36 Serum biochemical and electrophoretic values from four deer species and from pronghorn antelope Dhinsa DS;Cochran TH;Castro A;Swanson JR;Melcalfe G
- Reproduction and haematology of the cache elk herd Follis TB
- Zoo and animal medicine(2nd ed.) Fowler ME
- Proc Zool Soc Observations on the sizes and shapes of the red blood corpuscles of the blood of vertebrates Gulliver G
- J Mammal v.49 Physiological studies in the Rocky mountain elk Herin RA
- Schalm's veterinary hematology(4th ed.) Jain NC
- Science v.144 Hemoglobin polymorphism. Its relation to sickling of erythrocytes in white tailed deer Kitchen H;Putnam FW;Tayler WJ
- Physiology of blood proceedings of the 1st national white-tailed deer disease symposium Kitchen H;Pritchard WR
- Can J Zool v.47 Changes in blood costituents of rein deer and Caribou occurring with age Mczwan EH;Whitehead PE
- J Wildl Manage v.39 Blood chemistry and hematology of elk Pedersen RJ;Pedersen AA
- J Wildl Dis v.9 Combination of etrophine and xylazine in captive white-tailed deer : Ⅱ. Effects on hematologic serum biochemical and blood gas values Preasidente PJA;Lumsden JH;Presnell KR;Rapley WA;Mccraw BM
- J Wildl Dis v.9 A study of reproduction, disease and physiological blood and serum values in Idaho elk Vaughn HW;Knight RR;Frank FW
- Comp Biochem Physiol[A] v.43 Blood chemistry of Roosevelt elk(Cervus canadensis roosevelti) Weber YB;Bliss ML
- J Wildl Dis v.8 Haematologic and serum chemical values of adult female Rocky mountain elk from New Mexico and Oklahoma Wolfe GL;Raton DZ;Kocan AA;Tredford TR;Barron SJ
- 日獸醫會誌 v.31 臨床血液化學檢査の考之方 友田勇
- 日獸醫會誌 v.32 臨床血液化學檢査の考之方 友田勇