국내 사육 Elk(Cervus canadensis)의 혈액학치와 혈액화학치

Hematological and Blood Chemical Values for Elks Raised in Korea

  • 금창훈 (국립동물검역소 부산지소 대구출장소) ;
  • 장종식 (상주산업대학교 축산학과) ;
  • 이현범 (대구 이현범동물병원)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


Present experiments were undertaken in order to determine the normal hematological and blood chemical values of elks raised in Korea. Blood samples were collected from 22 healthy adult (5~10 years old) male elks raised in Kyung-pook prefecture and examined for 9 hematological and 15 blood chemical parameters using automatic blood cell counter and automatic blood chemical analyzer. The mean hematological values were determined as PCV : 34.23%, RBC count : $6.70{\times}10^{6}/{\mu}l, Hb : 12.15g/61, WBC count : 3.17{\times}10^{3}/{\mu}l$, neutrophil : 54.09%, eosinophil : 12.27%, Iymphocyte : 28.86%, monocyte : 5.23%, and platelet : $39.94$\times$10^{5}/{\mu}l$



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