Rapid detection of Anaplasma marginale with the Polymerase Chain Reaction in Cattle

중합효소연쇄반응을 이용한 소에 감염된 Anaplasma marginale의 신속한 진단

  • Published : 1998.03.01


The present study was carried out for the rapid and accurate detection of Anaplasma marginale in cattle using Polymerase Chain Reaction. One pair of primer, BAP-2 and AL34S, were designed to amplify a 409 Up fragment of the A marginale membrane surface protein encoding beta($msp{\beta}l$) gene with a hilly sensitive and specific PCR. A marginale isolated from naturally infected calf in Chonbuk area were used to obtain target genomic DNA for PCR. This study showed that a 409 bp of $msp{\beta}l$ gene fragment could be detected as little as 15 fg of purified A marginale genomic DNA. The amplified fragment with PCR was checked for the identification of $msp{\beta}l$ gene by enzyme restriction and sequencing. Also, the target DNA extracted directly from blood were used in the PCR reactions without prior purification to shorten the detection time. The PCR in the present study was considered convenient and rapid method for the detection of A marginale in whole blood of infected cattle.



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