- J Dairy Sci v.59 Anaplasmosis McCallon BR
- Am J Vet Res v.170 Evaluation of free roaming mule deer as carriers of anaplasmosis in an area of Idaho where bovine anaplasmosis is enzootic Renshaw HW;Vaughn HW;Magonigle(et al.)
- Am J Vet Res v.45 no.3 Bovine anaplasmosis: In utero transmission and the immunologic significance of ingested colostral antibodies Zaugg JL;Kuttler KL
- Am J Vet Res v.46 no.3 Bovine anaplasmosis: Transplacental transmission as it relates to stage of gestation Zaugg JL
- Am J Vet Res v.48 no.1 Ovine anaplasmosis: In utero transmission as it relates to stage of gestation Zaugg JL
- Schalm's Veterinary Hematology(4th ed.) Hemolytic anemias associated with some infectious agents Jain NC
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- Essentials of Veterinary Hematology Hemolytic anemias associated with some infectious agents Jain NC
- Am J Vet Res v.27 Clinical and hematologic comparision of Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma centrale infections in cattle Kuttler KL
- Am J Vet Res v.27 The comparative susceptibility of calves and adult cattle to bovine anaplasmosis Roby TO;Gates DW;Mott LO
- 농시보고 v.12 아나프라스마병에 관한 혈청학적 분포조사 전영;한태우
- 대한수의학회지 v.18 no.1 아나플라즈마병에 관한 연구 전영
- 대한수의학회지 v.37 no.4 겨울철에 발생한 Holstein 송아지의 Anaplasma marginale 감염 이주묵;권오덕;송희종(등)
- 경북대학교 논문집 v.9 경북지방 산양에 발생한 Anaplasmosis 손제영;이현범;장인호
- 대한수의학회지 v.33 no.2 재래산양과 호주산 산양에서의 Anaplasmosis 발생보고 백병걸;최인혁;박강희(등)
- Infect Immun v.59 no.3 The msp1 beta multigene family of Anaplasma marginale: nucleotide sequence analysis of an expressed copy Barbet AF;Allred DR
- J Med Entomol v.30 no.4 Detection of Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) in secretagogue-induced oral secretions of Dermacentor andersoni(Acari: Ixodidae) with the polymerase chain reaction Stich RW;Sauer JR;Bantle JA(et al.)
- J Med Entomol v.30 no.4 Detection of Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) in hemolymph of Dermacentor andersoni (Acari: Ixodidae) with the polymerase chain reaction Stich RW;Bantle JA;Kocan KM(et al.)
- J Vet Diagn Invest v.7 Detection of Anaplasma margnale DNA in bovine erythrocytes by slot-blot and in situ hybridization with a PCR-mediated digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe Ge NL;Kocan KM;Murphy GL(et al.)
- Int J Parasitol v.26 no.10 Anaplasma marginale: detection of carrier cattle by PCR-ELISA Gale KR;Dimmock CM;Gartside M;Leatch G
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- PCR protocols: A guide to methods and applications Sample preparation from blood, cells, and other fluids Kawasaki ES
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.6 도입우의 진드기매개 주혈원충 감염상과 Theileria sergenti의 치료예방에 관한 연구 서명득;장두환
- 대한수의학회지 v.27 젖소의 파이로프라스마증의 효과적인 집단검색과 치료방법에 관한 연구 이주묵;김명철
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.13 no.3 한우에 있어서의 Anaplasma marginale의 미세구조 백병걸;김진호;진찬문(등)
- Science v.239 Prime-directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase Saiki RK;Gelfand DH;Stoffel S(et al.)