- Theriogenology v.45 Application of knowledge about corpus luteum function in control of estrus and ovulation in cattle Beal WE
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Effect of day of prostaglandin
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- Anim Reprod Sci v.26 Plasma progesterone concentrations in heifers and cows treated with a new intravaginal device Macmilan KL;Taufa VK;Barnes DR;Day AM
- Proc NZ Soc Anim Prod v.50 Effects of varying the progesterone content of CIDR intravaginal devices and multiple CIDR treatments on plasma hormone concentrations and residual hormone content Macmillan KL;Washburn SP;Henderson HV;Petch SF
- Livest Prod Sci v.1 New trends in the control of reproduction in the bovine Mauleon P
- Aust Vet J v.62 The use of progesterone administered intravaginally and pregnant mares serum gonadotrophin given by injection in controlled breeding programs in beef and dairy cattle Munro RK;Moore NW
- Aust Vet J v.64 Concentrations of plasma progesterone in cows after treatment with 3 types of progesterone pessaries Munro RK
- J Anim Sci v.68 A review of synchronisation of estrus in postpartum cattle Odde KG
- J Reprod Fertil Suppl v.43 Plasma progesterone concentrations in ovariectomised dairy cows treated with a CIDR-B breeding device Peterson AJ;Henderson HV
- Theriogenology v.29 Ultrasonic imaging of the ovaries and uterus in cattle Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
J Reprod Fertil
Growth and regression of ovarian follicles during the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle in heifers undergoing spontaneous and
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- Anim Reprod Sci v.1 Control of estrous in cattle using progesterone coils Roche JF
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- Endocrinology v.127 Lengthening the bovine estrous cycle with low levels of exogenous progesterone: a model for studying ovarian follicular dominance Sirois J;Fortune JE
- Endocrinology v.132 Ovarian follicular dominance in cattle: Relationship between prolonged growth of the ovulatory follicle and endocrine parameters Stock AE;Fortune JE
J Dairy Sci
Effect of exogenous progesterone
$(P_{4})$ on follicular waves in dairy/beef heifers Swanson LV;Wickman BW;Macmillan KL