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- Bull Soc Fr-Jpn Sci Vet v.6 Immunostimulating activities of chicken egg white derivatives(EWD) and recombinant bovine interferon alpha 1(rBolFNα1) in dogs and cattle Hirota Y;Yang MP;Araki S
- British Veterinary Journal v.150 The development of a vaccine against feline immunodeficiency virus Hosie MJ
- Japan J Pharmacol v.54 Immunomodulating activity of ginsenoside Rg from Panax ginseng Kenarova B;Neychev H;Hadjiivanova C;Petokov VD
- Korean J Ginseng Sci v.11 The effect of ginseng saponin on mouse immune system Kim MJ;Jung NP
- J Immunol v.151 Intravenous interleukin-8 inhibits granulocyte emigration from rabbit mesenteric venules without altering L-selectin expression of leukocyte rolling Klaus L;Joffre BB;Myron IC;Michael AG jr.;Francis WL
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- Korean J Ginseng Sci v.12 The effect of ginseng saponin fractions on humoral immunity of mouse Park HW;Kim SC;Jung NP
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- Drugs Exptl Clin Res v.XVI Immunomodulatory effects of two extracts of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer Scaglione F;Ferrara F;Duanani S;Falchi M;Santoro G;Fraschini F
- J Immunol v.157 Transforming growth factor-β1 inhibits the production of IL-8 and the transmigration of neutrophils through activated endothelium Smith WB;Leanne N;Yeesim KG;Sandra I;Mathew AV;Jennifer RG
- Jan J Pharmacol v.39 A new simple plastic chemotaxis device of the boyden chamber type utilizing an immunoassay plate Watanabe K;Nakagawa H;Tsurufuji S
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- J Exp Med v.137 New method for evaluation and demonstration of a cell-derived chemotactic factor Zigmond SH;Hirsch JG
- 인삼효능·제품연구결과요약집(제1집) 박명규
- 연세의대논문집 v.9 인삼이 기생충 감염에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 소진탁;이건수;김상준