Adaptation of Feedlot Cattle to a High-energy Ration by Intraruminal Transplantation of Adapted Ruminal Fluid

제1위내용액 이식에 의한 비육우의 농후사료 적응법에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1998.03.01


In feedlot cattle the abrupt change of diet from roughage to a large quantity of grain for the purpose to improve production often results in increased occurrence of rumen acidosis or acute carbohydrate encouragement enterotoxemia, bloats diarrhea liver abscess and laminitis or robot disease. The common management practice to control these problem is to increase the amount of concentrates in the diet in a stepwise manner until the animals are adapted to a high-grain ration. However this practice requires at least about 3 weeks adaptation period and specially prepared adaptation rations which contain various amount of concentrates. Present experiment was undertaken in order to findout the more simple and rapid adaptation method of cattle to a high grain ration. Nineteen Korean calves aging from four to six month were fed artifical hay (Youngchoun Chuk-Hyup, Korea) which contains 10% of concentrates or alfalfa and rye grass hays for two months and randomly alloted to three experimental groups and two control groups. The experimental group-1 was inoculated by stomach tube for two days with li500 ml/day of ruminal fluid fished from Korean beef cattle that had been previously adapted to a high-energy ration. The experimental group-2 was inoculated by trocalization for two days with the same ruminal fluid. The experimental group-3 was inoculated by trocalization with 1,500 ml/day of bacterial culture which contained 2$\times $10$^{9}$/m1 of Gram-negative bacteria derived from adapted luminal fluid. The two control groups were treated with normal saline solution by the same methods. All animals were fed high-energy ration that contained 80% of grain ad libitum for 30-74 days beginning on the third of the treatment. The effect of the inoculation on the adaptation was observed clinicopathologically with the following results; All of the experimental calves inoculated with the ruminal fluid or Gram-negative bacterial culture derived from adapted cattle did not show any signs of rumen acidosis or other related diseases, while most of the control calves did show diarrhea and bloat and a calf laminitis. The average daily weight gain and feed efficiency of experimental calves were slightly improved compared with control calves. Following the feeding of high-grain rational the pH of the ruminal fluid was lowered in both the experimental and control groups. However severe acidosis with the pH of below 5.0 was observed in only a control group-2. The protozoal number in ruminal fluid was markedly decreased during the high-grain feeding in both the experimental and control calves. However the decrease was mere severe in control calves compared with the experimental calves. The activation of the protozoa were completely disappeared within nine hours at the refrigerator temperature (4"C). No significant differences in heamatological and blood chemical values between the experimental and control calves were recognized. However in one control calf which showed clinically laminitis marked elevations of serum glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase and lactic dehydrogenase activities and a decrease of serum glucose level were observed. From these results it would be concluded the intraruminal transplantation of unadapted calves with the adapted ruminal fluid from cattle previously adapted to a high-energy ration prevents disease problem associated with high-grain feeding and improve weight gain and feed efficiency.ency.



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