- Virus of lower vertebrates Immunostimulation by levamisole in rainbow trout(Salmo gairdneri) in vivo Anderson DP;Swicki AK;Dixon OW;Lizzio EF
- Fish Pathol v.34 no.3 Chemotheraphy against infection with multiple drug resistant strains of E. tarda in cultured eel Aoki TT;Sakaguchi T;Kitao T
- Fish Pathol v.18 no.2 Exotoxic substances produced by Edwardsiella tarda. Arshad UM;Arai T
- Nippon Susian Gakkaishi v.59 no.2 Activation of mononuclear phagocyte function of levamisole immersion in crap Baba T;Watase Y;Yoshinaga Y
- Clin Chem v.22 Alkaline phosphatase. Ⅰ. Kinetics and inhibition by levamisole of purified isoenzymes from humans Belle VH
- Biochemistry and physiology of neutrophil Edward SW
- Technique in fish immunology Serum antiproteases in fish. Ellis AE
- Dis Aaqua Org v.13 Efficacy of some antihelminthics against the swimblader nematode Anguillicola crassus of eel Anguilla anguilla under salt-water conditions Geets A;Liewes;Ollevier F
- J Fish Dis v.12 Lysozyme from rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, as an antibacterial agent against fish pathogens Grinde B
- J Fish Biolo v.33 Observations on the granulocyte peroxidase of teleosts: a phylogenetic perspective Hine PM;Wain JM
- Fish pathol v.30 no.4 Respiratory burst of Japaness eel neutrophils Idia T;Wakabayashi
- Fish Pathol v.25 no.2 The immunomodulatory effects of levamisole on rainbow trout, Oncorhynvhus mykiss Kajita Y;Sakai M;Astuta S;Kobayashi M
- Dev Comp Immunol v.9 Immunity of A in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutsh) induced by modified freund's adjuvant: Its non-specific nature and the probable role of macrophages in the phenomenon Oliver G;Evelyn TPT;Lallier R
- J Immunol Method v.82 A simple method for the solubilization of reduced NBT, and its use as a colorimetric assay for activation of human macrophages by gamma interferon RookGAw;Steele J;Umar S;Dockrel, HM
- J Reticuloendothelial Society v.21 no.3 Levamisole in the modulation of the immune response: The current experimental and clinical state Symoens J;Rosenthal M
- Fish Pathol v.19 no.1 Immune response of eel to E. tarda lipoplysaccharide Salitai F;Kawai K;Kusuda R
- Fish Pathol v.20;2 no.3 Chemical composition of lipopolysaccharide from E. tarda Salitai F;Kusuda R
- Dev Comp immunol v.13 Immunostimulating influence of levamisole on nonspecific immunity in carp (Cyprinus carpio) Siwicki AK
- Dev Comp Immunol v.14 In vitro immunostimulation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spleen cells with levamisole Siwicki AD;Anderson DP;Dixon OW
- Vet Immunol Immunopathol v.41 Dietary in take of immnunostimulants by rainbow trout affects non-specific immunity and protein against funculosis Swicki AK;Anderson DP;Rumsey GL
- 한국어병학회지 v.1 no.1 양식어류에 있어서 세균성질병의 검색 및 예방 전세규
- 한국어병학회지 v.9 no.2 뱀장어 병어로부터 분리한 E. tarda의 약제내성 최민순;최상훈;박관하;장선일;윤창용;조정곤;송희종
- 한국어병학회지 v.9 no.2 양만정에서 분리한 E. tarda균에 대한 new quinolone계 약물의 항균작용 최민순;김경호;서영호;최상훈;박관하
- 한국어병학회지 v.10 no.1 나일 틸라피아에 대한 질병 예방제 및 면역보조제로서의 PS-K효과 분석 박경현;하제이;허민도;허성희;정현도
- 한국어병학회지 v.2 no.2 뱀장어의 면역반응에 대한 연구. E. tarda에 대한 혈청학적 연구 박수일