Ultrasonogram for kidney, spleens liver, intestine and heart was evaluated 11 Chriu horses and 14 Thoroughbred horse. The kidney was determined at both flan and both 17th intercostal spaces. The spleen was determined at the left 13-17 intercom spacer and the liver was determined at the right 7-13 intercostal space. The heart was determined at the right 4-6 intercostal space and left 3-6 intercostal space. The length, of rig kidney at the Thoroughbred horse, Thoroughbred foul, Cheju horse and Cheju foul were 16.2, 12.6, 13.1 and 11.2 mm, respectively. The width of right kidney at the Thoroughbed horse, Thorughbred foul, Cheju horse and Cheju foul were 5.4, 4.3, 4.6 and 4.2 mm, respectively. The depth of right kidney at the Thoroughbred horsed Thoroughbred foul, Cheju horse and Chrju foul were 5.2, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.3 mm, respectively. Similar ultrasonographic measurements were obtained for the left kidney, The left ventricular end-diastolic diameter at the Thoroughbred horse, Thoroughbred fouls Cheju horst and Cheju foul were 107, 83, 85 and 73 mm, respectively. The left ventricular end-systolic diameter were at the Thoroughbred horse, Thoroughbred foul, Cheiu horse and Cheiu foul were 63, 52, 53 and 45 mm, respectively. Also, the interventricular septum in end-diastole, interventricular septum in end-systoles left ventricular wall end-diastoles left ventricular wall end-systoles right ventricular end-diastole diameter, aorta and left atrium at t Thoroughbred horse, Thoroughbred foul, Chriu horse and Chriu foul were measured. Experimental renal stone and enterolith of colon were observed by ultrasonography.