- Therapentic manual for Diabetes Korean diabetes Association
- Corea Medicine(1st ed) Diabetes Mellitus Korean Diabetes Association
- Diabetes Mellitus : Theory and practics.(3rd Ed) Nutrional management of diabetic Arky,R.A.
- Food Exchange for Diabetes Mellitus Korean Diabetes Association
- Diabetes Mellitus v.9 Dietry therapy for Diabetes Mellitus Yu,H.J.;Song,O.G.
- Diabetes Mellitus v.9 Excereise therapy in typeⅡ Diabetes Mellitus Heo,G.B.
- Diabetes Care v.16 Insulin therapy in typeⅡ diabetes Koivisto,V.A.
- A Folk Remedy(1st Ed) Ahn,D.G.
- A Folk Remedy(1st Ed) Ahn,D.G.
- Diabetes Mellitus Diary(7st Ed) Choue,Y.A.
- A Folk Oriental Medicine Remedy for subject. A Monthly Diabates Magazine v.5 Popular Food, Harmfulness Food. Heo,G.Y.
- Diaberes v.18 no.3 A study on the folk remedies by the questionaries in Korean diabetic patients Nam,M.S.;Kim,K.R.;Cho,J.H.;Lee,K.M.;Park,H.Y.;Lee.E.J.;Lim.S.K.;Lee.H.C.;Huh,K.B.
- Daibetes v.18 no.4 Daibetes and traditional medieine : Effect of severel traditional drugs on the plasma glucose levels in streptoztocin induced daibetic rats Kim,J.Y.;Park,J.Y.;Lee,K.U.
- Korean J Nutriton v.28 no.8 Hypoglycomic effect Polygotum Odoratum var. Pluriform ohwi extract in steptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Lim,S.J.;Kim,S.Y.
- Korean J Nutriton v.28 no.7 The effects of Korean wild vegetables on blood glucose levels and liver-muscle matabolism of streptozotocin-induced daibetic rats Lim,J.S.;Kim,S.Y.;Lee,J.W.
- Korean J Nutriton v.28 no.9 Effects of Buckwheat diet in serum glucose and lipid metabolism in NIDDM Lee,J.S.;Lee,M.H.;Chang,Y.K.;Ju,J.S.;Son,H.S.
- Compendium of Materia Media Li,S.Z.
- East Medicine Therapeutic Manual v.3 Heo,J.
- Journal of Traditonal Medicines v.12 Anti-hyperglycemic effects of N-containing sugars derived from mulberry leaves in streptozocin-induced diabetic mice Kimur,M.;Chen,F.J.;Nakashima,N.;Kimura,I.;Asano,N.;Koya,S.
- Abstracts The 6th General Meeting of Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for Wakan-Yaku Chen,F.J.;Nakshima,N.;Kimura,M.
- Yakugaku Zasshi v.115 Hypoglycemic activity and mechanism of extracts from Mulberru leaves(Folium Mori)and cortex mori radices in streptozocin induced diabetic mice Chen,F.J.;Nakshima,N.;Kimura,M.
- Yakhak Hoeji v.39 no.4 Blood glucose-lowering effectts of Mori folium Lee,J.S.;Choi,M.H.;Chung,S.H.
- The KyungHee J of Genet & Mol Biol v.8 Rat intestinal α-glycosidase inhibitory activities of Mulberry leaves(Folium Mori) water fraction Chung,S.H.;Choi,M.H.;Ryu,J.H.
- J KyungHee Pharm v.24 Blood gucose lowering of silkworm. Chung,S.H.;Ryu,J.H.;Kim,I.J.
- Anal Biochem v.72 A rapid and sensitive mehod for the quantitation of microgram quantitie of protein utilizing the principle pof protein-dye binding Bradford,M.
- Am J Physiol 263(Regulatory integrative Comp Physiol) v.32 Does reducing the rate or efficiency of digestion reduce food intake? Ramires,I.
- Diabetologia v.33 Effect of an α-glycosidase inhibitor on experimentally-induced obesity in mice Y. Le Marchand-Brustel;N.Rochet;T.Germeaux;I.Marot;E. van obberghen.
- Diabetologia v.35 Effect of acarbose on glucose homeostasis, lipogenesis and lipogenic enzyme gene expression in adipose tissue of weaned rats J.Maury;T.Issad;D.Perdereau;B.Gouhot;P.Ferre;J.Girard
- Metabolism v.27 Hyperinsulinemia in obesity Sydromes : Its metabolic consequences and possible etiology Jeanrenaud,B.
- JAMA v.260 Glycosylated hemoglobin predicts the incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy Klein,R.;Klein,B.E.K.;Moss Se.;Davis Demets,D.L.
- Diabetes v.18 no.3 Effect of acarbose in NIDDM insufficiently treated with diet alone Park,S.W.;Song,Y.D.;Lee,E.J.;Kim,S.K.;Lee,H.C.;Huh,K.B.
- Diabetes Care v.15 Sulfonyl ureas in NIDDM Groop,L.C.
- Diabetes Care v.13 no.Sup. 3 Sulfonylureas : why, which and How? Melander,A.;Lebovitz,H.E.;Faber,O.K.
- Diabetologia v.21 The effect of Insulin in renal sodium metabolism Defronzo,R.A.
- Metabolism v.34 The effect of hyperinsulinemia on arterial wall and peripheral muscle metabolism in dogs Falhot,K.;Curfield,R.;Alejandro,R.;Heding,L.;Mintz,D.
- Am J physio v.246 Hyperinsulinemia and in vivo very-low-densith lipoprotein triglyceride kinetics Steiner,G.;Haynes,F.;Yoshino,G.;Vranic,M.
- Diabetet Metabolism v.13 Effects of insulin and glucose on the cells of the arterial wall : Interaction of insulin with dubutyryl cyclic AMP and low densith lipoprotein in arterial cells Young,I.R.;Stout,R.W.
- Diab Metab Rew v.6 Hyperlipidemia in diabetes mellitus Fredrick.L.D.
- Front Hormone Res v.7 Pharmacology of a glucosidase inhibitor Puls,W.;Keap,U.;Krause,H.P.;Muller,L.;Schmidt,D.D.;Thomas,G.;Truscheit,E.
- Proceedings first international sympos-ium on acarbose.Effects on carbohydrase and first metabolism. Excerpta Medica, international Congress series Creutsfeldt,W.(ed.)
- Metabolism v.32 no.8 The effects of α-glucosidase inhibition on intestinal disaccharidase activity in normal and diabetic mice Stanley,M.L.;Bustamante,S.;Koldovsky,O.
- Agric Biol Chem v.52 no.1 Inhibiton of intestinal α-glucosidase activity and postprandial hyper-glycemia by moranoine and its N-alkylated derivates Yoshikuni,Y.
- Carbohydrase Research v.253 Sugars with nitogen in the ring isolated from the leaves of Morus Bosmbycis Asona,N.;Tomika,E.;Kizu,H.;Matsui,K.