항산화성 비타민 보충 급여가 흡연자의 혈액성상에 미치는 영향

Effect of Antioxidant vitamin Supplementation on Blood Composition in Smoking College Men

  • 이성숙 (전남대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.04.01


A large body of epidemiologic evidence suggests inverse relationships between ischemic heart disease and plasma vitamin C and E concentrations. Smokers have lower plasma concentrations of these vitamins than do nonsmokers. Smokers therefore need antioxidant vitamin supplementation . The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of antioxidant vitamin supplementation on blood composition in smoking college men. 24 subjects were divided into 3 groups of which were the vitamin C supplementation group(n=8), the vitamin E supplementation group(n=8), and the vitamin C+E supplementation group(n=8). The vitamin supplementation group consumed 500mg of ascorbic acid, the vitamin E supplementation group consumed 200IU of D-$\alpha$-tocopherol , and the vitamin C+E supplementation group consumed 500mg of ascorbic acid +200IU of D-$\alpha$-tocopherol for 4 weeks. We examined the blood compositions of the volunteers bofore and after vitamins were supplemented . The results obtained were as follows ; intakes of energy , carbohydrate , fat protein , vitamin C and vitamin E were not significantly affected by vitamin supplementation in all groups. Blood glucose concentrations were not significantly affected by vitamin supplementation in all groups. Concentrations of plasma uric acid and alkaline phosphatase activity were decreased significantly (p<0.05) with vitamin E supplementation. The results of this study show that antioxidant vitamin supplementation in smokers has a tendency to decrease coronary heart disease risk.



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