감과피와 대추로부터 분리한 식이섬유의 포도당, 담즙산 , 카드뮴 투과 억제에 관한 in vitro 연구

Retarding Effect of Dietary Fiber Isolated from Persimmon Peels and Juubes on in vitro Glucose, Bile Acid, and Cadmium Transport

  • 이혜진 (이화여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


Retarding effects of the dietary fibers from persimmon peels (PTDF ; total dietary fibers, PIDF ; insoluble dietary fibers, PSDF ; soluble dietary fibers) and dried jujubes (JTDF ; total dietary fibers, JIDF ; insoluble dietary fibers, JSDF ; soluble dietary fibers) on glucose, bile acid and cadmium transport were evaluated by in vitro dialysis sack method. These effects were compared with those of commerical citrus pectin, CM-cellulose (CMC) and $\alpha$-cellulose. Yields of PTDF, PIDF and PSDF on wet weight basis were 14.04% , 11.61%, 1.76%, respectively, and those from dried jujubes were 14.80%, 9.98% and 2.80%, respectively. The amount of soluble fibers in JTDF was higher than PTDF. Soluble fibers had the retarding effects on glucose transport but insoluble fibers did not have. CM-cellulose showed the greatest retarding effect, which was followed by citrus pectin and JSDF. Among the soluble fibers, PSDF had the lowest retardig effect. Retarding effect of TDF was dependent upon the amount of SDF in TDF. Regarding bile acid dialysis , insoluble dietary fibers as well as soluble dietary fibers showed the retarding effects, among which JSDF had the greatest retarding effects, among which JSDF had the greatest retarding effect, followed by citrus pectin. Among the extracted fibers, dietary fibers from dried jujubes were more effective than these from persimmon peels, and SDF seemed to show higher retarding effects than IDF and TDF. On cadmium transport retardation , all dietary fibers except $\alpha$-cellulose had the retarding effects and PSDF showed the greatest effect which was followed by PIDF and CMC, The extracted fibers showed higher retarding effect on Cd transport than glucose and bile acid transport, and dietary fibers from persimmon peels showed higher retarding effects than those from dried jujubes.



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