모유영양아의 인공영양아의 두발내 철분, 아연 및 구리의 함량비교

Comparison of Hair Iron , Zinc and Copper Concentrations of Breast Fed and Formula Fed Infants

  • 안홍석 (성신여자대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


The objectives of this study were to examine the growth pattern and hair trace element contents of healthy infants who were fed breast milk(BF infant) and formula (FF infant) during the first 6 months and its relationship to intake of trace elements. Bimonthyl anthropometric measurements were obtained on 32 infants through 6 months of age. Mean calculated energy, iron, zinc and copper intake from breast milk at 2 months of age were 432.4kcal/d, 0.19mg/d, 1.18mg/d and 0.22mg/d. The values obtained from formular were543.7kcal/d, 6.68mg/d , 2.82mg/d and 0.33mg/d , respectively. In spite of the significantly lower intake of energy and trace elements in BF infants than in FF infants, BF infants showed growth above the average Kroean infant standard growth rate and showed no significant growth rate difference or hair trace element content. Hair iron content in the BF infants at 6 mo. of age was positively related to birth weight and iron intake at 2 mo. of age. In contrast, hair zinc and copper content in the FF infants at 6 mo. of age as negatively related to height increment and weight increment during 6 months, respectively. These results support the suggesting that BF infant's higher iron, zinc and copper intake is attributed to the superior bioabailability of these trace elements from breast milk.



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