노란콩과 검정콩 식이가 흰쥐의 체내 지질 함량과 분변으로의 지질 배설에 미치는 영향

Effects of Yellow and Black Soybeans on Plasma and Hepatic Lipid Composition and Fecal Lipid Excretion in Rats

  • 송영선 (인제대학교 식품영양학과 및 식품과학연구소) ;
  • 고미경 (인제대학교 식품영양학과 및 식품과학연구소) ;
  • 권태완 (인제대학교 식품영양학과 및 식품과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 1998.02.01


This study was undertaken to determine the effect of yellow and black soybeans on plasma and hepatic lipid composition and fecal lipid excretion in Sprague Dawley rats. Animals were fed with diets containing 52% yellow soybean, 50% black soybean, or 20% casein for 7 weeks. Feeding efficiency was significantly increased in the animals fed soybeans(p<0.05). Plasma cholesterol concentration was significantly lowered in the group fed yellow soybean compared with black soybean and casein-fed control (p<0.05). Hepatic triglyceride concentration was significantly lowered in soybean groups compared with casein-fed control(p<0.05), whereas hepatic cholesterol concentration was not affected by diet treatments. Soybean feeding significantly increased fecal weight, triglyceride and bile acid contents compared with casein feeding(p<0.05). It is concluded that soybean feeding in rats affects plasma and hepatic lipid levels by increasing the excretion of triglyceride and bile acids.



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  8. 1st International sympoium on The Role of Soy in Preventing & Treating Chronic Sidease, Feb. 20 Soy consumption and cholesterol reduction: Review of animal and human studies Caroll, K. K.;Kurowska, E. M.
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  13. J. Food Sci. v.40 Effects of dietary protein and carbohydrate on plasms cholesterol levels in relation to atherosclerosis Hamilton, R. M. G.;Caroll, K. K.
  14. 한국영양식량학회지 v.22 백서에 있어서 콩제품(두부, 비지)급여의 콜레스테롤 저하 효과 최용순;이상영
  15. 한국콩연구회소식 v.122 신비한 콩의 이소플라본 김성란
  16. 식품분석(이론과 실험) 신효선
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  18. Anal. Biochem. v.142 A sensitice enzymatic assay for determination od cholesteol in lipid extracts Sale, F. O.Marcjesini, S.;Fishman, P. H.;Berra, B.
  19. 콜레스테롤 이상영;최용순
  20. Official methods of analysis. 13th ed. A.O.A.C.
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  22. J. Am. Diet Ass. v.85 Effects of soybean polysaccharide on plasma lipids Shorey, R. L.;Day, P. T.;Willis, R. A.;Lo, G. S.;Steinke, F. H.
  23. 한국식품영양학회지 v.26 콩, 두부, 두부부산물중의 isoflavone함량 및 항산화 효과 배은아;권태완;문갑순
  24. 2nd International Symposium on The Role of Soy in Preventing & Treating Chronic Disease Effect of soy protein & isoflavones on plasms lipid profiles in postmenopausan women Potter, S. M.;Baum, J.;Surya, J. W.;Erdman, J. W.
  25. 2nd International Symposium on The Role of Soy in Preventing & Treating Chronic Disease Effects of soy isoflavones on atherosclerosis: potential mechanisms Anthony, M. S.;Clarkson, T. B.;Koudy Williams J.
  26. 인제대학교 석사학위논문 탈피탈지 대두분 식이가 흰쥐의 호르몬 상태와 콜레스테롤 대사에 미치는 영향 한정희
  27. J. Nutr. v.120 Effects of feeding on cholesterol metabolism in rate Nishina, P. M.;Freedland, R. A.
  28. J. Nutr. v.121 Effects of dietary fiber in nonfasting plasma lipoprotein and apolipoprotein levels in rats Nishina, P. M.;Schneeman, B. O;Freedland, R. A.
  29. Dietary fiber. Basic and clinical aspects Effects of fiber on plasma lipoprotein composition Schneeman, B. O.;Lefevre, M.;Vahouny, G. V.(ed.);Kritchevsky, D.(ed.)
  30. 한국영양학회지 v.28 식이섬유의 종류와 섭취수준이 고지방식을 섭취한 흰쥐의 체내 지질대사에 미치는 영향 장수경;박양자
  31. 한국영양식량학회지 v.25 콜레스테롤 투여 흰쥐에 있어서 식이섬유가 콜레스테롤 대사에 미치는 영향 양정례;서명자;송선영
  32. Atherosclerosis v.64 Effect of soy fiber and soy protein on cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis in rabbits Lo, G. S.;Evans, R. H.;Phillips, K. S.;Dalgren, P. R.;Steinke, F. H.
  33. Br. J. Nutr. v.45 Further studies on the hypocholesterolemic effect of soy-bean protein in rats Nagata, Y.;Tanaka, K.;Sugano, M.
  34. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.59 Citrus pection and cholesterol interact to regulate hepatic cholesterol homeostasis and lipoprotein metabolism : A dose-response study in guinea pigs Fernandez, M. L.;Sun, D. M.;Tosca, M. A.;NcNamara, D. J.