국산 조제분유의 열처리 등급에 관한 기초 연구

The Fundamental Studies of Heat Treatment Class in Domestic Infant Formula

  • 박영희 (동신대학교 식품생물공학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


To compare the extent of heat treatment in domestic infant formula, pH,titratable acidity, undenatured whey protein contents, HMF contents and protein-reducing substances of three commercial products (A, B, C) were measured. The pH of B products was lowest and the titratable acidity of B product was highest. The contents of undenatured whey protein per 100ml serum were 0∼30mg(A products), 90∼130mg(B products)and 80∼90mg(C products), respectively. Distinct differences of undenatured whey protein contents according to the manufacturer and infat's stage in age could be observed. The HMF contents of tested products showed 10.9∼21.5umol/L and B-2 product(B products for the second stage of 5∼9 month) was the highest among tested products. The protein-reducing substances showed 4.46∼9.50mg K4Fe(CN)6/100ml serum nd B-2 product was the highest among tested products.



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