시판 유기농법 재배 채소류의 질산염 및 유기인계 잔류농약의 함량

Nitrate Content and Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Edible Part of Organic Farming Vegetables

  • 박영숙 (대구대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


The NO3 contents and organophosphorus pesticide residues in edible part of vegetables cultivated by a conventional or an organic farming methods were determined. The NO3 contents of vegetables cultivated by the organic farming method were between 120ppm and 4,523ppm, whereas its contents of vegetables cultivated by the conventional farming method were between 89ppm and 1,575ppm. Fifty two percent of vegetables cultivated by hte organic farming method accumulated NO3 content over than 2,000ppm, whereas 82% vegetables cultivated by the conventional farming method accumulated NO3 content below than 1,000ppm. The NO3 contents of lettuce dependent on the cultivation method obviously. The NO3 contents of lettuce cultivated by a hydroponic farming method were between 4,800 and 6,500ppm, whereas those cultivated by the conventional method were between 630 and 750ppm. The organophosphorus pesticide residues in edible part of vegetables cultivated by the conventional or the organic farming methods were not detected. The NO3 contents in edible part of vegetables cultivated by the organic farming method should be considered as one of several parameters to judge a real safe vegetable to be certified by goverment.



  1. 한국식품 연구문헌 총람(4) 한국식품과학회
  2. 한국식품과학회지 v.14 한국식품 중 유기염소계 잔류 농약에 관한 종합 평가 이서래
  3. 국립보건원보 v.23 식품 중의 오염물질에 관한 조사 연구 박덕우;권우창;원경풍;김준환;김오한;소유섭;김영주;박건상;성덕화;서석춘;이경진;임준래;소경택;진홍철;정규생;김식우
  4. 국립보건원보 v.20 식품 중 오염물질의 잔류실태 조사연구 권우창;신광훈;김준환;심오한;김영주;성덕화;소유섭;조건자;박건상;송철
  5. 식생활 v.96 농약 걱정없는 '저공해 농산물' 인기 임재헌
  6. 유기농법 식품에 대한 소비자 인식 및 구매에 관한 연구 v.7 박영숙
  7. Food Technology v.42 Organic foods: Consumer attitudes and use Jolly, D. H.;Schutz, H. G.;Daiz-Knauf, K.V.;Johal, J.
  8. 한국유기성 폐기물 자원화 협의회 학회지 v.2 유휴지에서 조사료 생산을 위한 적정 가축분뇨의 사용에 관한 연구. 1. 액상구비의 사용할 시기와 무기태 질소의 첨가가 orchardgrass의 건물수량에 미치는 영향 조익환
  9. Nitratein Problems fuer unsere Trinkwasserversorgung v.177 Gesundheitliche Bedeutung des nitrats in der Nahrung Selenka, F.
  10. Post-harvest physiology of food crops Burton, W. G.
  11. Progr. Water Technol. v.8 Infant methemoglobinemia and other health effects of nitrates in drinking water Schuval, H. J.;Gruener, N.
  12. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology v.9 Naturally occuring nitrate and nitrite in foods in relation to infant methemeglobinaemia Philips, W. E.
  13. Potential nitrate levels in edible plant-parts Minotti, P. L.
  14. 한국토양비료학회지 v.26 질소시비가 배추, 무 및 오이의 가식부위내 $NO_3^-$집적량에 미치는 영향 손상목;오경석
  15. 한국유기농업학회지 v.2 질소비료 저투입에 의한 우수농산물 간이판정지표로서 주요 농작물의 "가식 부위내 $NO_3^-?t량" 손상목;오경석
  16. Sondergutachten und Mainz Der rat von sachverstandigen fur umweltfragen: Umweltproblems der Landwirtschaft Anon
  17. LBL, erater-Information Umsetzung der erkenntisse in die p-raxis Schupbach, H.
  18. 한국유기농업학회지 v.3 일반 실행농법과 유기농법 배추, 무우의 가식부위내 $NO_3^-$집적량 차이 손상목;오경석;문우택
  19. 농수산물무역정보 v.53 농수산물유통공사
  20. 주요 염채류의 가식부위내 NO_3^-$함량에 관한 연구 v.2 전하준;조익한
  21. 식생활 v.96 식품의 잔류농약 허용치 얼마만큼인가 임재헌
  22. FAO Agricultural studies No. 841 WHO Technical reports series No. 548 FAO Rome FAO/WHO
  23. 식품위생법 한국식품공업협회