Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Keeping Freshness of Enoki Mushroom(Flammulina velutipes)

팽이버섯의 선도유지를 위한 환경기체조절포장

  • Published : 1998.12.01


Modified atmosphere packagings were designed by combining the respiration characteristics of the enoki mushroom at 10oC and the measured film permeabilities to O2 and CO2 gases to attain the beneficial package atmosphere were fabricated and tested during storage. The packages of 100g size with 30 m low density polyethylene and cast polypropylene showed the good agreement between estimated and experimental package atmospheres. However, polyvinylchloride stretch wrap packs showed the gas composition close to the air, which was due to leaking of stretch wrapping. The CPP package attaining O2 below 1% and CO2 concentration of 15~20% gave the best retention of quality and thus the longest shelf life among the tried packages, and it was superior to the others in the Hunter L value, stipe elongation and sensory qualties.



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