미학적 공간인식에 따른 건축공간개념의 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Change of Concept in Architectural Space following the Aesthetic Cognition of Space

  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the architectural space of modern and contemporary architecture which has been changed by the aesthetic cognition on space. The intention of considering architectural space aesthetically is to convert the viewpoint of seeing space as simple physical structure into different viewpoint of regarding 'space' as 'cultural place' However this does not means to apply aesthetic theory to architectural space. The aesthetic cognition on space is one of the main subjects of the expression of art from ancient to today however the appearance of space concept as architectural aesthetics accelerated by G. Semper theory after the latter half of 19th century. On the standpoint of perpetuity in architecture the aesthetics of scientific rationalism in modernism based on the reasonable thinking regards the variety of inherent characteristic in architectural space as 'Transferential Space'. On the other hand, in regarding to architectural trend, the nature in architectural space has been considered as 'Existential Space' starting from the conscious construction of environments to help human existence in the existentialism. The Conclusion logic of follows as belows; first, the concept of space structure in architecture has been exchanged from Enclosed Space to Topological Space. Second, the concept of architectural space has been changed and developed to the Deterministic, Profound, Dissipative, and Recognizable Space according to the change of expression in architecture.



  1. 현대건축사고론 (초판) 길성호
  2. Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition (5th ed.) Giedion,;Sigfried
  3. 건축예술론(초판) Architecture ad Art : an Estheic Analysis Abercrombie;Stanley;최종현(역);신형준(역)
  4. 미학(초판) Aesthetica Beardsley;Monroe C.
  5. 과학혁명의 구조(2판) The Structure of Scientific Revolution Kuhn;Thomas S.;조형(역)
  6. 예술이론의 역사(초판) Kleine Geschichte der Kunsttheorie Kultermann;Udo;김문환(역)
  7. 건축의 흐름(초판) Kuma Kengo;이창우(편역);이영(편역)
  8. 건축이론의 창조 Creating Archtectural Theory Lang;Jon;조철희(역);김경준(역)
  9. 실존,공간,건축(4판) Existence, Space and Archtecture Norberg -Schulz;Christian;김광현(역)
  10. 미학의 이해(초판) The Aesthetic Understanding Scruton;Roger;김경호(역);이강호(역)
  11. 예술개념의 역사-테크네에서 아방가르드까지(초판) History of the Concept of Art : from A History of Six Ideas Tatarkiewicz;Wladyslaw;김채현(역)
  12. 건축공간론(초판) Space in Architecture Van de Ven;Comelis;고성룡(역)
  13. 공간으로서의 건축(2판) Architecture as Space Zevi;Bruno;최종현(역);정영수(역)
  14. 建築的 空間(초판) 官川英二;문석창(역)
  15. 예술학(초판) 渡邊 護;이병용(역)
  16. 건축의 현대사상(초판) 杉本俊多;최재석(역)
  17. 建築美論 井上充夫;임영배(역);신태양(역)
  18. 대한건축학회논문집 no.통권 109 미의식 체계 변화에 따른 건축의 기계미 표현개념에 관한 연구 이용재;윤도근
  19. 한국실내디자인학회지 no.14 근대건축공간의 미학적 인식에 관한 연구 이용재;윤도근