즉자석 공간예술과 미니멀리즘 건축의 현대적 의미에 관한연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Minimal Architecture and Literal Space

  • 이은석 (경희대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 임종엽 (숙명여자대학교 환경디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


It opposition to visual luxury of Post modern Architecture a new tendency characterized as 'simplicity' emerged in architecture. It seems clear that such a tendency so called Minimal Architecture has risen as a reaction to the surfeit of sign and the mixture of languages generated by postmodernism. This new simplicity is also related to the tradition of Modern Architecture and the Minimal Art Movement is 1960's. They adopted simple is also related to the tradition of Modern Architecture and the Minimal Art Movement is 1960's. They adopted simple primary Volume to avoid the main fluence on the already chaotic urban environment As a result a strong monumentality is achieved. The main interests for 'minimal' architects seem to be the making of simple structure and the repetition of modular elements to achieve an economic and efficient construction method. Transparent and honest expression is preferred instead of attaching another ornament skin on to the skeleton of the architecture.



  1. The Painting: The Task of Mouring, Endgame Yve-Alain Bois
  2. 새로운 과학과 문명(The Turning Point) 이성범(역)
  3. Post Modernism Richard Appagnanesi
  4. 공간의 시학;Art and Objecthood Gaston BAchelard;Michael Fried;곽광수(역)
  5. Specific Objects Donald Judd
  6. Art In America The Artists Speaks E.C.Goosen;Robert Morris
  7. Notes on Sculpture,pattl Robert Morris
  8. The creative Art, in Salt Seller Marcel duchamp;Michael Sanouillet(ed.);Elmer Peterson(ed.)
  9. 미니멀리즘 Keneth Baker;김수기(역)
  10. Versus a baroque dicourse, El croquis N.85 Arts Liberales:laconiquis architecture Bouman Ole
  11. A personal reflection on the architecture of Herzog and de Meuron. El croquis N.84 The Cunning of Cosmetics Kippris Jeffrey
  12. Crox of Minimalism Hal Foster;David Franke(편)
  13. 예술과 현상학(Phenomenology and Art) M. Merleau-Ponty;오병남(역)