오염물질의 해양방류 기술(I)

  • 발행 : 1998.01.01




  1. Trans. ASCE. v.115 Diffusion of submerged jets. Albertson,M.L.;Dai,Y.B.;Jenson,R.A.;Rouse,H.
  2. Report No. KH-R-25 Buoyant slot jets into stagnant of flowing environments, W.M.Keck Lab. for water resources and hydraulics Cederwall,K.
  3. J. of Geophysical Research v.76 no.30 Buoyant jets discharged to quiescent stratified ambients. Hirst,E.
  4. J. of Hydraulics div. ASCE v.108 no.12 Multiport diffusers for heated disposal : A summary Jirka,J.H.
  5. Mixing in inland and coastal waters Fischer,H.B.;List,E.J.;Koh,R.C.Y.;Imberger,J.;Brooks,N.H.
  6. Proc. Roy. Soc. v.A234 Turbulent gravitational convection from maintained and instantaneous sources. Morton,B.R.;Taylor,G.I.;Turner,J.S.
  7. Ocean disposal of wastewater Wood,I.R.;Bell,R.G.;Wilkinson,D.L.