MOD법에 의한 ITO 투광성 도전박막의 제조 및 물성

Preparation and Characterization of Transparent Conductive ITO Films by MOD Process

  • 이병우 (한국해양대학교 재료공학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.04.01




  1. Thin Solid Films v.221 Optical Properties and Structure of Thermally Evaporated Tin Oxide Films D. W. Lane;J. A. Coath;K. D. Rogers;B J Hunnikin;H. S. Beldon
  2. Thin Solid Films. v.175 Optical Dispersion in Electron-beam-evaporated Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films R. Oesterlein;H.-J. Krokoszinski
  3. Thin Solid Films v.72 Reactive Magnetron Deposition of Transparent Conductive Films J. F. Smith;A J. Aronson;D. Chen;W. H. Class
  4. Thin Solid Films v.223 Electrical and Optical Properties of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Deposited on Unheated Substrates by DC Rcactive Sputtering T Karasawa;Y. Miyata
  5. Sol-Gel Technology for Thin Films, Fibers, Preforms. Electronics and Specialty Shapes R. B. Pettit;C. S. Asliley;C J. Brinker;L. C. Klein(ed.)
  6. Yoguo-Kyokai-Shi v.90 no.4 Characteristics of Transparent Conductive$In_2O_3$Films Prepared by Thermal Decomposition of Indium Nitrile Acetylacetonate S. Ogihara;K. Kinugawa
  7. J. Mater. Res. v.7 no.9 Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Decomposition of Ethylene Glycol Solution O. Yamamoto;T. Sasamoto;M Inagaki
  8. J. Mater. Sci. v.20 Sol-gel-derived PbTiO₃ J.B. Blum;S.R. Gurkovich
  9. J. Non-Crystalline Solids v.57 Glassy and Crystalline Systems from Gels·Chemical Basis and Technical Application H. Dislich
  10. Ceramic Films and Coating J.B. Wachtman(ed.);R.A. Haber(ed.)
  11. Ferroelectrics v.116 Processing and Characterization of Sol-gel Derived Very Thin Ferroelectric Capacitors L. E. Sanchez;D. T. Dion;S. Y. Wu;I. K. Naik
  12. Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. v.70 Sol-gel Processing of Complex Oxide Films G. Yi;M. Sayer
  13. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. v.73 The Effect of Hydrolysis Conditions on the Characteristies of PbTiO₃Gels and Thin Films K. D. Budd;S. K. Dey;D. A. Payne
  14. The Principles of Engineering Materials C. R. Barrett;W. D. Nix;A. S. Tetelman
  15. Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. v.65 no.4 Electrical Conductivity, Seebeck Coefficient and Structure of$In_2O_3-SnO_2$ J. L. Bates;C. W. Griffin;D. D. Marchant;J. E Garnier
  16. Thin Solid Films v.161 Indium Tin Oxide from Metallo-organic Precursors J. J. Xu;A. S Shaikh;R. W. Vest