- Solid State Ionics v.3/4 Proton Conduction in Sintered Oxides and Its Application to Steam Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production H. Iwahara;T. Esker;H. Uchida;N. Maeda
- Solid State Ionics v.77 Technololgical Challenges in the Application of Proton Conducting Ceramics H. iwahara
- Solid State Ionics v.79 Perovskite Solid Electrolytes: Structure, Transport Properties and Fuel Cell Applications N. Bonanos;K. S. Knight;B. Ellis
- Solid State Ionics v.97 On the Development of Proton Conducting Materials for Technological Applications K. D. Kreuer
- Solid State Ionics v.97 Criteria for the Application of High Temperature Proton Cinductors in SOFCs T. Schober;F. Krug;W. Schiling
- Solid State Ionics v.53-56 Transport Properties and Conduction Mechanism in High-Temperature Protonic Conductors N. Bonanos
- Solid State Ionics v.50 The Icorporation and Migration of Protons in Nd-doped BaCeO₃ J. F. Liu;A. S. Nowick
- Solid State Ionics v.62 Characterization of Gd, Yb and Nd Doped Barium Cerates as Proton Conductors D. A. Stevenson;N. Jiang;R. M. Buchanan;F. E. S. Henn
- Solid State Ionics v.70/71 Proton and Oxygen Diffusion in BaCeO₃Based Compounds: A Combined Thermal Gravimetric Analysis and Conductivity K. D. Kreuer;E. Schonherr;J. Maier
- Solid State Ionics v.79 Electrochemical Studies on Ionic Conduction in Ca-Doped BaCeO₃ H. Iwahara;T. Mori;T.Hibino
- Solid State Ionics v.77 Comparisom of Calcium-Doped Barium Create Solid Electrolytes Prepared by Diffrent Routes S. D. Flint;R. C. T. Slade
- Solid State Ionics v.100 Preparation of Nd-Doped Barium Cerate Through Diffrent Routes F. Chen;O. T. Sorensen;G. Meng;D, Peng
- J. Am. Ceram. Soc. v.77 no.10 Influence of Nd₂O₃Doping on the Reaction Process and Sintering Behavior of BaCeO₃Ceramics C.-H. Lu;L. C. De Jonghe
Solid State Ionics
Microstructure of Ca-Doped Barium Cerate Electrolytes
$BaCe_1-xCa_xO_3-α$ (x=0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15) S. D. Flint; M. Hartmanova;J. S. Jones;R. C. T. Slade - Solid State Ionics v.97 The Influence of Cation Non-Stoichiometry on the Properties of Undoped and Gadolinia-Doped Barium Cerate D. Shima;S. M. Haile
Solid State Ionics
Preparation of the High Temperayure Proton Conductor
$Ba_3Ca_1.18Nb_1.82O_8.73$ via a Wet Chemical Route E. Zimmer;K. Schart;T. Mono;J. Friedrich;T. Schober - The Hydrolysis of Cation C. F. Baes, Jr;R. E. Mesner
- J. Am. Ceram. Soc. v.72 no.10 Factors Affecting the Preparation of Barium Titanyl Oxalate Tetrahydrate T. T. Fang;H. B. Lin
- Solid State Ionics v.74 Structural Phase Transitions in BaCeO₃ K. S. Knight
- Solid State Ionics v.35 Ionic Conductivity of Gadolium-Doped Barium Cerate Perovskites N. Bonanos;B. Ellis;K. S. Knight;M. N. Mahmood
- J. Mater. Sci. v.6 no.9 Phase Equilibria in the System BaO-CeO₂ G. P. Guha;D. Kolar