- J. Electrochem. Soc. v.140 no.4 Thermodynamic Stabilities of SrCeO₃and BaCeO₃Using a Molten Salt Method and Galvanic Cells S. Gopalan;A. V. Virker
- Solid State Ionics v.70/71 Electrical Conduction in BaThO₃Doped with Nd₂O₃ T. Tsuji;T. Suzuki;H. Iwahara
- Solid State Ionics v.79 Electrical Conduction in BaThO₃Doped with Y₂O₃ T. Tsuji;N. Miyajima;M. Ochida
J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
High-Temperature Stability of
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Crystal Systems and Lattice Constants of Perovskite-type Compounds BaThO₃and
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