- Ceram. Bull. v.79 no.2 Combustion Synthesis : Historical Perspective V. Hlavacek
- Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. v.11 no.9-10 A Historical and Technological Perspective on SHS J. W. McCauley
- Review : Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis v.27 J. Subrahmanyam;M. Vijayakumar
- J. Kor. Ceram. Soc. v.33 no.10 Fabrication of AIN Powder by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis : Ⅱ. The Formation Mechanism of AIN Powder from AI Powder D.-H. Ahn;H.-J. Jeon;S. -Y. Kim;Y.-S. Kim
- J. Mater. Res. v.4 no.2 The Effect of Carbon Morphology on the Combustion Synthesis of Titanium Carbide M. E. Mullins;E. Riley
- High Temp. Technol. v.8 no.3 Processing Effects on the Morphology of Titanium Carbide in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Y. Choi;M. E. Mullins;K. Wijayatilleke;J. K. Lee
- Metall. Trans. A v.23A Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites of TiC-Al through Self-Propagating Synthesis Reaction Y. Choi;M. E. Mullins;K. Wijayatilleke;;J. K. Lee
- Theses Collection of the Inst. Adv. Mater. v.8 Fabrication of Fibrous TiC by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis H. Bang;J. Yun
- Mechanism of Hollow TiCFiber Formation during SHS Reaction J. Yun
- presented in 100th Annual Meeting of Amer. Ceram. Soc. Microstructure of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Ceramic and Metal Composites Prepared by Self-Propagation High Temperature Synthesis under High Pressure J. Yun;C. Go;H. Bang;T. Choi
- J. Appl. Phys. v.39 no.7 Diffusion of Carbon in TiC S. Sarian
- J. Appl. Phys. v.40 no.9 Diffusion of 44Ti in TiCx S. Sarian
- Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. v.64 no.2 High Pressure Self-Combusion Sintering of Silicon Carbide O. Yamada;Y. Miyamoto;M. Koizumi