The Mechanical and Optical Properties of Diamond-like Carbon Films on Buffer-Layered Zinc Sulfide Substrates

  • Song, Young-Silk (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology(KITECH), Incheon) ;
  • Song, Jerng-Sik (Korea Institute Industrial Technology(KITECH), Incheon) ;
  • Park, Yoon (HanWha Group Research Center, Taejeon)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


Diamond-like carbon(DLC) films were deposited on buffer-layered ZnS substrates by radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(RF-PECVD) method. Ge and GeC buffer layera were used between DLC and ZnS substrates to promote the adhesion of DLC on ZnS substrates. Ge buffer layers were sputter deposited by RF magnetron sputtering and $GeC^1$ buffer layers were deposited by same method except using acetylene reactive gas. The relatinship between film properties and deposition conditions was investigated using gas pressure, RF power and dc bias voltage as PECVD parameters. The hardness of DLC films were measured by micro Vickers hardness test and the adhesion of DLC films on buffer-layered ZnS substrates were studied by Sebastian V stud pull tester. The optical properties of DLC films on butter-layered ZnS substrates were characterized by ellipsometer and FTIR spectroscopy.



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