Optimal Design of Sizing Machine by Thermal Flow Consideration -A Study on Drying Characteristics of Sized Yarn-

열유동을 고려한 가호기 건조시스템의 최적 설계 -가호사의 건조 특성 연구-

  • Kim, TaeHong (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Bai, CheolHo (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • 김태홍 (영남대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 배철호 (영남대학교 기계공학부)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


During the drying process of sized yarn, the film of sizing agent begins to form from the outpost side of the sized yarn. When the film of sizing agent has formed, drying rate decreases rapidly. In the constant drying rate region, drying rate can be obtained theoretically from the energy balance. Drying rate in the falling-drying-rate region, however, depends on the mass fraction of water at the plastic paste surface and therefore is obtained through the experiments. Predictions of drying rate using the developed empirical correlation show good agreement with the experimental results.



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  2. 기술자료 96-1 사이징 공정 기술 영남대학교 지역협력연구센터
  3. Handbook of Industrial Drying v.2 A. S. Mujumdar
  4. Heat and Mass Transfer A. F. Mills
  5. Mass Transfer Operation R. E. Treybal
  6. 단위조작(Ⅱ) 김병규;이근배;박수행
  7. Handbook of Heat Transfer Fundamentals W. M. Rohenow;J. P. Hartnett;E. N. Ganic