- 자연보호 v.10 파괴된 자연의 회복 김준호
- 도시 · 산림 · 환경 심포지움. 한국조경학회 · 산림청 임업연구원 환경오염에 의한 삼림의 쇠퇴징후 김준호
- 육종 · 개발. 선도기술개발사업. 제2차년도 보고서, 환경처 대기오염 및 산성비에 대한 내성종과 Bioindicator의 선발 김준호;문형태;이창석;류태철;유영한;이규송;김종욱;이훈복;김기대;구연봉;박상규;김경범;황보준권;표재훈;류혜자;류훈;길지현;이지영
- 육종 · 개발. 최종보고서. 서울대학교 자연과학 종합연구소 대기오염 및 산성비에 대한 내성종과 Bioindicator의 선발 김준호;문형태;이창석;류태철;유영한;이규송;김종욱;이훈복;김기대;구연봉;박상규;김경범;황보준권;표재훈;류혜자;류훈;길지현;이지영
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- 한생태지 남산 토양 미생물의 분포 및 생리적 특성 성치남;백근식;오윤경;전영문;김정근;김종홍
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- 한국과학재단지원. Post-Doc. 연수보고서 대기오염으로 파괴된 식생의 복원에 대한 연구 이창석
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- 선도기술개발사업, 제1차년도 보고서, 환경처 및 과학기술처 대기오염 및 산성비에 대한 내성종과 Bioindicator의 선발육종 개발 최덕일;김준호;문형태;조도순;이창석;정성웅;허인애;신정섭;곽영세;유태철;유영한;이규송;김종욱;이기현;홍순신;최인영;이훈복;김기대;구연봉;박상규;김경법
- 環境保全林 形成のための 理論と 實 國際生態學 硏究センタ
- みどりの フィンガプレ 東京都
- 自然環境の技術 杉山惠一;進士五十八
- Restoration Ecology v.1 Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems in arid and semi-arid lands.Ⅰ. A view from the south Aronson, J.;C. Floret;E. Le floc'h;C. Ovallue;R. Pontanier
- Restoration Ecology v.1 Ecological restoration and nonindigenous plant species Berger, J.J.
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- Rehabilitating damaged ecosystems Ⅱ Cairns, J., Jr.
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- Principles and methdso in landscape ecology Farina, A.
- Land Mosaic: The ecology of landscapes and regions Forman, R.T.T.
- Landscape Ecology Forman, R.T.T.;M. Godron
- Environmental ecology : The impacts of pollution and other stress on ecosystems structure and function Freedman, B.
- Plant strategies and vegetation processes Grime, J.P.
- Enviornmental policy and biodiversity Grumbine, E.R.
- Mosaic landscapes and ecological processes Hansson, L. L.;Fahrig;G. Merriam
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- Restoration ecology : A sunthetic approach to ecological research Restoration ecology : ecological restoration as a technique for basic research Jordan Ⅲ, W.R.;M.E. Gilpin;J.D. Aber;W.R. Jordan Ⅲ(ed.);M.E. Gilpin(ed.);J.D. Aber(ed.)
- The 1st landscape ecoology forum "Landscape ecology: principle, concept, and application" Proceedings Landscape ecological studies on green-belt zone in the Metropolitan area of Seoul, Korea Lee, C.S.;S.K. Hong;Y.H. You
- Korean J. Ecol. v.21 no.4 Amelioration of soil acidified by air pollutant around the Industrial Complexes Lee, C.S.;J.Y. Kim;Y.H. You
- Korean J. Ecol. v.21 no.2 Histological damage and growth inhibition of Pinus densiflora around the Metropolitan area of Seoul Lee, C.S.;J.H. Kil;Y.H. You
- The restoration of aquatic ecosystems: science, technology, and public policy National Research Council
- Saving nature's legacy: protecting and restoring biodiversity Noss, R.F.;A.Y. Cooperrider
- Basic Ecology Odum, E.P.
- BioScience v.37 Landscape ecology Urban, D.L.;R.V. O'Neill;H.H. Shugart Jr.