남산의 균류 다양성과 균류자원

The Mycodiversity and Resources of Fungi in Mt. Nam

  • 조덕현 (우석대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Many fungal fungi were collected at Mt. Nam areas during 3 days in August 1997 and 1 day in September 1998. They were identified. According to the resulting, they were composed of 2 divisions, 3 subdivisions, 5 classes, 4 subclasses, 15 oders, 30 families, 58 genera and 95 species. Dominant species was Fomiltella fraxinea and dominant family was Tricholomataceae. Among them genera of henningsomyces, Roseoformes and Physarum were newly to Korea. Henningsomyces candidus, Roseoformes subflexibilis, Lentaria micheneri and Physarum mutans were newly to Korea. Resources of fungi were 25 species in edibility, 4 species in clulture, 11 species in toxine, 13 species in medicne, 18 species in anticancer, 15 species in ectomycorrizahe and 50 species in rotten wood.



  1. 한국임학회지 v.85 no.4 남산 및 광릉 산림생태계의 식물 다양성의 비교 평가 김지홍;이병천;이유미
  2. Nature Conservation v.60 남산공원(서울)의 식생과 토양요인에 관하여 박봉규
  3. Nature Conservation v.9 남산의 조류 우한정;김윤수;김상욱;구태희
  4. 한국임학회지 v.77 no.1 식물사회적 특성을 고려한 남산공원 식생의 관리대책 오구균;이경재;임경빈
  5. 한경생태학회 v.10 no.1 한국 도시생태계 현황과 회복대책(Ⅰ) 이경재;조우;한봉호
  6. Nature Conversation v.59 남산의 식물상 이은복
  7. Myxomycetes of Japan Hagiwara, H.;Y. Yamamato;M. Izawa
  8. Funngi of Japan Imazzeki, R.;Y. Otani;T. Hongo
  9. Myxomycet. Ⅱ Neubert;Nowotny;Bauman
  10. Mushrooms of North America Phillips, R.